15. Outcome

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Mira was taken by Louis back into her castle. Wilbur tried to follow and rescue Mira, until he was stopped by Louis' men. He was finally freed when Mira and Louis were too far from his reach. Wilbur decided to return to Mason. When he told him, they both began to worry. After a long while of deciding, Wilbur went to save Mira. Mason, on the other hand, was planning something else.


*Mira's POV*

"Let go of me you-!"

"Do not struggle, 'my love', or else you'll make this even way worse for yourself," he said.

He kept dragging me until we reached the throne room. He told his men to take hold of me. As they listened, I found Father and Mother tied to their thrones. I looked at Father and glared at him, remembering what he did to Miriam. If I ever get out of this situation, I swear to bring her back into this castle.

I then looked at Mother. She looked exhausted. She must've been worrying a lot, I hope they didn't hurt her.

I put my focus back on Louis. I noticed he grabbed a sword and faced towards me.

"Y'know, Princess, none of this would've happened if you weren't so full of yourself. Degrading me to a simple 'friend'," he scowled.

"I know and I'm sorry... it was a simple mistake. I could never want to be friends with someone like you nor be your lover."

He scoffed and smiled. That sent shivers down my spine.

"So you think making insulting remarks is going to save you? You must like playing risky, huh... Don't worry, the game will be over soon." He started to walk slowly towards me and I panicked. 'Is he going to kill me!?' I thought.

I began to struggle again, trying my best to break free. The men just tightened their grip on me. Mother yelled after Louis to stop.

As he grew closer, life seemed to flash before my eyes. Was I really about to die here? But what about the people? What about Mason? Wilbur? Miriam? My dreams?

Tears flowed down my cheeks and I closed my eyes. I then remembered... the whistle! I blew the whistle as hard as I could. It hurt the ears of both the men and Louis.

Suddenly, the door to our room fell down. We all glanced back to see Wilbur on my horse, Filly. I realized the men had let go of me since they were distracted. I took this as an opportunity and ran for Wilbur. Wilbur got off of my horse and ran towards me. We hugged and I cried in his arms.

"Wilbur, what are you doing here?" I yelled.

"I'm here for you. You can't do this alone."

Soon Louis charged after us, and Wilbur blocked him from me. I noticed he was also holding a sort of weapon. I backed off and they both fought each other. I felt scared as I watched Wilbur fight Louis. I've never seen him fight before.

Louis pushed Wilbur away and ran towards me. Wilbur followed behind. As he almost stabbed me, Wilbur blocked him and held his weapon against Louis'.

I looked around, hoping to find something to help. I was losing hope.

Then Damien arrived with other people. They drove Louis and his men away, saving Wilbur and my kingdom. After I thanked all of them, including Wilbur.

We freed my parents and I cried tears of joy, Mason soon joined us.

We decided that today everyone will know what has happened. And tomorrow we will be celebrating our victory/my birthday. We would also be holding my coronation. Sounds quite a lot, but we were fine with it. We would begin preparing after we all had rested.


*Welp, that was the 'end'. Not really, I will be making a bonus. See you!*

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