6. The News

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The Next Morning

*Miriam's POV*

'Poor Mira, she has to go through all that again' I thought.

When I got to her room, I started having a bad feeling.. And when I opened the door, she wasn't on her bed. 'Maybe she's already in the shower' I thought. So I went near to the bathroom door and tried to listen for the water running. But it was silent. I then checked the room and noticed that some of her things were missing. Then a thought came to my head 'What if she got kidnapped!' But I just shook that thought off, I didn't want to think that something bad happened. Then I realized on the table with the letters she wrote for those suitors of hers, there were an additional two letters. On them I saw "To: Miriam" and "To: Mason".

I read mine and was shocked. I'm glad she thought of me this way, but I never expected her to do something like this. And yet, I felt really proud of her. She has been performing the duties of a princess well for 17 years, she deserves to have a little freedom. And now I wonder what will be her perspective after observing. 'Right, she gave me a task to do. I'll get on with it straight away.'

I put my letter in my pocket and started to gather up all the letters. Before giving Mason his letter, I made sure to send the others first. Then I went straight to Mason's room and left the letter on his table. I made sure to be as quiet as possible so he wouldn't wake up yet. Then I went to the king's and queen's room to deliver the message.


*King Richard's POV*

"WHAT!? What do you mean she ran away," I started to fume with anger.

The maid then said,"It's true, My Lord. She has decided to run away."

"This can't be...Guards! Spread the news about the princess, saying that she has been kidnapped. And you, you will send letters to the other kingdoms and tell them the same. And that we are asking for the prince of their kingdom to assist us. That whoever finds her, will take her hand in marriage," I finished.

"But, My Lord, that is not what really happened. And I don't think princess Mira would appreciate that without her consent," the maid said.

"So you defy my orders? I might as well just kick you out of this castle and find a new maid for Mira. One who understands that her master is both Mira and me," I threatened.

"Well, I only signed up to obey to My Mistress. I know you are king, but don't you have enough servants? If that's how you want things to be then I'd rather quit then needing to obey to your orders," she remarked and marched out of the room.

I then yelled, "Don't you ever think you can enter this castle ever again, you arrogant wrench!"

"Richard, don't say that," Freya said, "We have things to worry about like Mira! What if she has met bandits or snotty men. And what if she becomes a different person when she comes back. And she most definitely will not be happy with what you did to her maid."

"She rebelled against me. I could care less of what she thinks, right now we must find her".

*And that concludes chapter 6 woooo :< And another thing, school is coming up so I'll be posting every Saturdays from now on.*

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