11. A few days has passed

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A few days have passed by. Mira had gotten the job and she became closer with the lady, whose name was Katalina. Once Mira had learned her name, she couldn't help but think about how unique it sounded. She also learned more about baking and was making all kinds of pastries. Everyone had already known who she was.

During these past days, she had also gotten closer to Wilbur. After their first impressions, they started off rough and awkward. But now it was like the two had known each other.

Mira was enjoying herself lately. So much, that she forgot about what was going on in her home.


*Wilbur's POV*

After a long day of working, Ruby and I met up outside the bakery. We decided to head over to the meadows and just hangout near a pond. When we arrived, we sat down and talked to each other.

"Hey Ruby, could I ask you something?"

She turned to look at me. "Yes, Wilbur?" she responded.

"Well, it's just that," I faced my body towards her, "you never told me when's your birthday."

After hearing my question, her expression seemed to change. She stayed silent for a little bit before responding again. "Uhm, it's next Sunday."

"Really? That's five days from now," I said.

"Yeah.. I guess it is. Why?" She seemed confused about why I wanted to know.

"Just wondering," I replied. "Wait a second, that's the same day the princess is having her birthday. And don't royals have crowning ceremonies after?"

She looked nervous. "Oh, what a funny coincidence, haha..." She now became serious. "You're right, the crowning ceremonies are always after the birthdays."

"Hm, I wonder what is going to happen. If they don't find the princess, there won't be a crowning ceremony."

"I guess so," her body language changed. She was now at ease for some reason.

"Hey Ruby, do you know our princess?"

"No, not really. What about her?" She asked.

"Well, it's just that we villagers seem more fond with her. She's very considerate towards the people. One time, she went to the orphanage and dropped off gifts to the children. And another time, she secretly helped protect us from a raid. She also looks like an angel. With those beautiful, brown locks of hers; and that wonderful physique she was so generously given by God." I realized what I said and cleared my throat. "Ahem. Oh, and her cute, brown eyes. I heard the queen complained that her eye color was too simple for a princess, but I find them nice. In her eyes, I can see how beautiful her soul truly is." I smiled and sighed to myself. I didn't realize but I was blabbering on about Princess Mira that I forgot about Ruby.

I turned to look at her. Her face was flushed and she seemed rather embarrassed. She turned to look away. Before I could ask her if she was alright, she asked me a question.

"So do you like her?" she asked.

"Nope. After realizing that I was too far out of her league, I gave up on my feelings for her. So I just simply admire her. I also heard that she was meeting with some men of high status who are her suitors. I wish her luck in finding hopes of a lover," I answered.

"I see. I'm sorry" she said.

"Sorry? Oh, don't be. I've moved on," I smiled at her. I looked at her and realized something. Her appearance seemed to look familiar, but her hair was in a bun and she covered her physique in that big cloak of hers. So I couldn't pin out on why she looked familiar. That seemed kind of stupid to me, but I just shrugged it off.

"Alright" she sighed.

We both looked at the pond and noticed something. We looked up into the horizon and noticed it was already sunset. I began to get up and extended my hand to her.

"Let's get going?"

She smiled and said,"Yep, can't be out too long."

She grabbed my hand and we headed back into the village.


I dropped her off to the inn she was staying. After saying our goodbyes, I headed back home. When I got back home, Mom was sitting on the couch.

"Wilbur dear?"

"Mom, you should be resting on your bed."

"It's fine, I was wondering how your day's been," she smiled at me.

"Well, it was same as always. I tended and sold some flowers. After, I met with Ruby and we talked. Then I dropped her back to where she stayed at."

"Hm, you and Ruby seem quite fond of each other. Is there something going on?" She chuckled.

"No, Mom. We're just really good friends. Now, let's get you back to your room. Are the meds helping you at all?"

She got up and I supported her as we walked upstairs to her room. "Yes, actually. I think I'll recover soon."

"Good." I tucked her into her bed and left her meds and water next to her. "Goodnight Mom, I love you."

"Goodnight, my sweet boy" she kissed my forehead before laying back on her bed.

I smiled and left her be. I walked downstairs and noticed there were some dishes. I sighed and got to cleaning. While cleaning, a thought came to mind.

"Ruby and I seem fond of each other? Well, that's cause we're just friends... right?"


*Author here! So this was unexpectedly long. I guess I felt excited to write this chapter, since my homework isn't that long. Anyways, I hope to see you next chapter! <3*

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