It Begins where it ends

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The climactic moment arrived as Harry was about to meet Dumbledore in the afterlife, while Dumbledore had become a part of death itself, courtesy of the Elder Wand's power.

In that fateful instant, Harry stood face to face with Voldemort, ready to bring this long and dark chapter to a close. But I couldn't bear to witness the man I once loved be killed.

As Harry prepared to deliver the final blow, and Voldemort lay on the ground, defeated, I could no longer stand by as a mere observer. My feet carried me forward, and I dropped to the ground, shielding Voldemort with my body. Tears streamed down my face, and I implored Harry with every fiber of my being, my voice trembling with desperation, "Harry! Please, listen to me!"

Harry's gaze was a tempest of anger and determination. "Please, don't kill him," I continued, my voice choked with emotion and tears flowing freely. "I know he's done terrible things, but please, don't force me to witness this. He's been defeated, Harry. Forgive him. I know it's an insurmountable task, but at the very least, spare his life."

Despite my heartfelt pleas, Harry remained steadfast in his resolve and proceeded to cast the unforgivable curse.

With the final clash of spells, the dust began to settle, and the battle drew to a close. At that moment, Remus, Sirius, Severus, and Dumbledore apparated to the battleground, their eyes locked onto the surreal scene unfolding before them.

Remus, moved by a potent mix of disbelief and relief, gently lifted me from the ground. Tears welled up in my eyes, a torrent of emotions cascading through my soul.

Harry embraced Sirius and Dumbledore, happy to see them alive. In the midst of the tumultuous aftermath, Voldemort's voice reverberated through the eerie silence, sending shivers down my spine. "Leaving so soon?" I turned to see the monstrous visage of Voldemort crumbling into ashen remnants. From the ruins emerged a younger Tom Riddle, gasping for breath, bewildered. Instinctively, I ran towards him, averting the imminent strike that Harry was about to deliver. Dumbledore, the voice of reason and restraint, intervened, ensuring that Harry didn't commit the irreversible act.

Dumbledore intervened, preventing Harry from delivering the final blow. He spoke calmly to Harry, "This is not the same Voldemort, Harry. This is Tom Riddle before he split his soul. All his malevolent forms are gone."

Riddle clung to me, his countenance a mix of vulnerability and confusion. Dumbledore continued to address him directly, acknowledging the catalyst for this unforeseen transformation. "Riddle, it was the enduring love she held for you and the spark of humanity rekindled within you when she shielded you from the grasp of death that resurrected the better version of yourself."

Harry, still overwhelmed with fury, couldn't contain his emotions, crying out, "Get off! Never show me your face!" I stood beside Riddle, understanding the gravity of the situation.

I helped Tom Riddle to his feet, and together, we apparated to the sanctuary of our home. As the saga of the battle continued, Dumbledore regained possession of the Elder Wand, and as we returned home, Riddle's gratitude was expressed through an ardent kiss that bridged the past and the present.

The battle had concluded, with Voldemort vanquished and the forces of darkness shattered. But in the end, it was a different kind of victory. The hands of fate had extended a second chance to Tom Riddle, allowing him to experience the love he had long yearned for, to mend his fractured soul, and embrace a path of redemption.

In the aftermath of the battle, as the sun cast its first gentle rays upon the war-torn grounds, Dumbledore gathered Harry for a conversation of immense importance. It was time for the revelation, a disclosure that would reshape his understanding of the events that had unfolded.

Dumbledore sat down with Harry, the air heavy with the revelations to come. "Harry," he began, "you must know that it was Voldemort's companion who shaped the destinies of many, saving all of us. She altered the fate of individuals and events, ensuring that many of us were meant to die but survived."

Harry looked puzzled. "Why should I care about Professor Snape? He hated my father."

Dumbledore's eyes held a deep sorrow as he said, "Severus, despite his complicated history, played a crucial role. He had turned into an ally, one was about to sacrifice his life to ensure your safety. His love for your mother and his deep remorse for his actions eventually guided him to the right path. He was going to die until She interfered."

Harry's eyes welled up with tears, and he asked, "So Professor Snape was on our side? Why didn't he tell me?"

Dumbledore replied, "Severus wanted to protect you, but he also carried the guilt of his past actions. He did not wish to burden you with that knowledge."

As the weight of the truth sank in, Harry realized the complexities and sacrifices of those who had surrounded him, including Severus. The tears that flowed were not just for the loss but for the profound understanding that was now his to bear.

The story of their struggle against the darkness, and the individuals who shaped the course of history, was more intricate and touching than Harry had ever imagined. It was not just about the battle between good and evil but also the power of redemption, love, and selflessness that had driven them all.

In the end, as they faced the dawn of a new era, they knew that their bonds, their sacrifices, and the love that had united them were stronger than any dark magic that had ever threatened to tear them apart. Harry embraced the legacy of those who had changed the course of his life, understanding the significance of Severus's role and the immense love that had guided them all.

Several years have passed since the fateful Battle of Hogwarts, and the lives of many have taken new paths. Here's how some of the key characters have fared:

The Golden Trio:

Harry Potter married Ginny Weasley, and they have three children: James, Albus, and Lily. Harry has become an Auror, ensuring the wizarding world remains safe.

Hermione Granger married Ron Weasley, and they have two children, Rose and Hugo. Hermione continues her work in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

Ron Weasley helps his brothers Fred and George at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and sometimes jokes that he's found his true calling.

The Malfoys:

After the fall of Voldemort, the Malfoy family has been trying to redeem themselves. Draco Malfoy went on to work as a Potioneer, distancing himself from his family's dark legacy. He married Astoria Greengrass, and they have a son, Scorpius.

Narcissa Malfoy is no longer the cold and ruthless woman she once was. She has devoted her time to charity work, trying to mend her family's reputation.

Severus Snape:

Severus Snape frequently visits Harry and Ginny, and they have come to understand the sacrifices he made during the war. Harry has even given him a place in their family as an honorary uncle to their children.

Sirius and Remus:

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin live together right next to Harry and Ginny, raising Teddy Lupin. Teddy has become a beloved member of both families.

The Riddles:

You and Tom Riddle live in a beautiful, magical mansion filled with exotic creatures, and Tom has indeed become an outstanding and reformed wizard.

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