The Dark Lord

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Riddle is asleep in his bed there's no one in sight. Now is the only chance of your escape. You sneak out of the main hall and you walk towards the door. You unobtrusively unlatch the door. As soon as you touch it in order to push it you feel a harsh burn stinging your arms.

You shriek in agony but, You can't give up you try again and the burn intensifies. You hear a menacing laugh.

Riddle asks "You don't give up, do you?"

You claim valiantly. "Never! I'll fight you every day, every moment, every minute , every breath."

"Excellent!" He claps. "Did you write that yourself?" He smirks.

You feel provoked and you yell
"You lunatic,crazy bastard!"

He walks closer to you and grabs your jaw forcing you against the wall.

"You disdainful, ungrateful wench. Do not forget, I'm your master. You wouldn't like to provoke me. You wouldn't like the result."

He moves back, " well,well as your master it's my rightful obligation to punish you."

You declare,"You have no right over me!"

"Yes, I do I am your master. You're turning into a filthy rebel you need to be punished and you should be taught a lesson." He grins. "You've been spending a lot of time with that foolish elve."

You see madness in his eyes. "Bolby!" A little elf appears. "Yes? Master."

"This is your new friend, isn't it?, Y/N." He adds "Crucio!"

The elf shrieks and screams. You shut your eyes. But, you couldn't let an innocent creature be punished for your actions.

"STOP!. PLEASE. PLEASE!." You plead but he ignores your requests. You fall into his feet and reluctantly plead him. "Please, Master!."

He smirks and stops the curse. He puts his hands behind his back and whispers. "Good girl." You crawl towards that poor little elf embrace him and you ask him for forgiveness. He smiles at you.

He sniffs "Don't cry "Y/N, you're my friend. I'm used to it. It's my duty to do whatever master asks me to."

You sit crouched up in the corner of the dining hall. Riddle commands you to come up. You obstinately walk up.

His room was dark and looked haunted every single piece in the room was dark just like his heart. It looked like a room from the Victorian Era, but, dead, soul-less.

 It looked like a room from the Victorian Era, but, dead, soul-less

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You sternly ask "What?" He glares at you

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You sternly ask "What?" He glares at you.

Realizing your mistake you add "Yes, Master?"

His face lightens "Good girl. Sleep in that corner" he points towards the floor. "I don't want any nuiasances."

You sit on the bare, cold ground. And he goes back to sleep.

It's been hours but there is no sign of sleep. Riddle is Fast asleep and then he wakes up suddenly as if he had a nightmare.

" No! It can't be..."he gasps and then you wonder -- What does a cruel monster have to fear.

He looks at you and falls back to sleep. The next morning you wake up and find yourself alone. You walk down the stairs and you find Riddle and his fellow death eaters discussing something. Well it was more like he was ordering and others were nodding.

Then you see a crazy woman laughing maniacally at you. "You bitch, go and clean the filth!" She commands.

"Bellatrix!!" He scowls fiercely "She's my Slave not yours!"

Bellatrix lowers her head down apologetically. When He walks away she gives you a deathly Glare and follows him.

Following that day you've been thinking about the moment earlier that day, when He was mad at Bellatrix for ordering you. His eyes showed possessiveness which made you feel uncomfortable.

Does He still have feelings for you? No, it cannot happen. He just thinks of you as his slave. He just wants to emphasize his ownership over you to put you down.


You walk into one of the grand halls.
"Yes? My lord."

"Come here, dear."

Dear? What's happening? You wonder.

He stands behind you extremely close to you. He leans in and whispers "Kill it."
He points towards a little bird inside a cage. He hands you a dagger.

His tone gets coarser and heavier " Kill it!"

You nod your head refusing.

"Bring that Silly cat." Bellatrix walks in with a black little kitten.

"Crucio" You try to stop him. But he refuses to. You beg him, plead him but he doesn't seem to listen. Then "splash" blood splatters all across the room and your face.

"You're useless." He asserts " Clean it!" and walks out. When Bellatrix leaves the room after Tom, A thin man with sallow skin, a large, hooked nose, greasy-black hair, cold, black eyes, dressed in black, flowing robes which give him the appearance of an overgrown bat, flicks his wand and the blood dissappear. He gives you a look and walks away.

Who was he? and Why was he being nice to you?.

After the death eaters meeting the man takes you to a room. You ask him about why did he help you.

"I am Severus." he introduces himself and continues "The other day I felt as if The dark lord feels for you. It felt as if there is a chance."

"What chance?" You demand.

"For change." He walks away.

His words remind you of Dumbledore's words. "Change one fate and you'll change destiny of millions..." You realize that's what he meant. You were to change his heart, which would result in change of fate and it'll stop him from Killing people altogether.

He has never known love, he never felt the warmth of love. But is he capable of falling in love?.

"Y/N!" Riddle calls for you in an aggressive tone. You sprint towards the room. He is seated in the bed glaring at you.

"Do I have to remind you everyday where your place is?." He points towards the corner.

You walk closer to him and you lean in
" Tell me, Do You you love me?" You move closer to him. For a moment he leans in and his lips are nearly touching yours. Then he pushes you away on the floor, He grunts.

The whole day Tom has been acting strange. He smashes stuff around in his room for no reason. He has cancelled his meetings with the death eaters. And he's been avoiding you the whole day.

That night you go to your corner and you lie down. Just like every other day You cannot sleep. Tom wakes up just like he's been waking up for the past few days. He looks at you for a while and calls your name "Y/N" his voice softer than ever.

You act as if you're asleep
"I know you're awake! Come here." He demands in a soft tone very much unusual.

You stand up and He asks you to sit on the bed. You do as he says.
He says "Why do you effect me so much?...Why is it that I cannot kill you? Why?"

You are puzzled at first then,
Your eyes widen. "Tom..that means..." you hesitate.

"What does that mean?" He asks

"You feel for me." Your gaze lowers.

He looks at you in disgust "Rubbish!" He mutters and falls back to sleep.

Echoes of Ambition & Entwined Fates: The Enigma of Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now