"The Answer to all Your questions"

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Under the gentle embrace of the moonlight filtering through your window, you lie in bed, but sleep eludes you. Your mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, with Tom Riddle's image, his demeanor, and the events of the day occupying your every mental corner. The world outside is quiet, except for the occasional rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. Suddenly you pay attention to his name, you take the piece of paper out and look at it keenly.

You look over to Olivia but she's already asleep and then Isobelle, on the other hand, appears to be fully awake, you observe her engaged in an activity that's quintessentially Isobelle—meticulously pasting pictures of quidditch players into her scrapbook.

"Hey Isobelle, what was the name of that boy again?"

"Tom!" She gives a weird look "he's mine."

You throw her a disgusted look. " 'Tom' What?"

"Riddle!!" Isobelle exclaims.

"Riddle!!" Isobelle exclaims.

"Got it. Thanks. Goodnight," you say, sinking back into your bed.

Then you look at the piece of parchment and now you know...TOM RIDDLE!; It is Tom Riddle the boy is the answer to why you've been transferred? Puzzled you spend the whole night thinking about how and why could a mere boy be an answer to your question.

You gaze at the scrap of paper in your hand, the name "Tom Riddle" now holding a new weight and significance. It's Tom Riddle who seems to be connected to the reason behind your transfer. Throughout the night, your mind becomes a labyrinth of thoughts, attempting to unravel the mystery of how and why a seemingly ordinary boy could hold such importance.

As the hours pass and the moonlight filters through the window, you sift through your memories of the day, replaying each encounter with Tom. His aura of intrigue, the way he commanded attention, and the enigmatic energy that seemed to surround him—all of it becomes the pieces of a puzzle that refuse to form a clear picture.

The night seems both endless and fleeting as you grapple with the enigma of Tom Riddle. His name lingers on your tongue, a riddle in itself, waiting to be deciphered. The weight of curiosity and uncertainty keeps you awake, your mind navigating the corridors of possibility in search of answers.

With the night deepening, your thoughts continue to chase the elusive connection between Tom Riddle and your transfer. The hours slip by, and as the first light of dawn filters through the window, you're left with a sense of determination to unearth the truth behind this enigmatic boy and the role he plays in the tapestry of your own journey.

The Next day you decide to talk to him. You find him in the potions classroom and the moment you try to talk to him, Professor Ivodus enters the class room.

"Do you have any issues with the classroom, Miss Y/N? Discontent with its appearance, perhaps? Or do you find fault with the furniture?"

Feeling embarrassed, you take your seat beside Tom, his gaze fixed on you as he glares at you.

After a brief explanation about 'Rare herbs and their uses in Potions', professor Ivodus asks the students to team up with the person next to them and prepare the draught of peace potion.

You and Riddle team up and he doesn't seem to be very happy about it. While preparing the potion there is no sign of any possible conversation. You accidentally spill the hellebore syrup and drop the powdered unicorn horn a little more than needed.

Riddle's irritation surfaces, and he grumbles, "What exactly are you doing? Rather than daydreaming and observing others, perhaps focus your attention properly next time!"

Echoes of Ambition & Entwined Fates: The Enigma of Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now