The Yule Ball

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Y/N tossing and turning in bed. You just can't shake of Riddle out of your mind even though you are unsure about how you feel about him. Then as you turn you feel the Locket on your chest. You clasp the locket and you feel dejected about how much love Donovon has given you this month. But also you cannot shake the newly formed image of Tom who's been treating you better.
Your thoughts shift from Donovon to Riddle about...

My mind becomes a battlefield, thoughts shifting from Donovon to Riddle. The contrast between their affections intensifies my inner struggle, leaving me torn between the familiarity I have known and the allure of the unknown that Tom represents. As the night deepens, Y/N wrestles with her emotions, grappling with the tangled web her heart has become.


The time When Riddle stood closer to you and looked deep in your eyes

The first time He smiled at you and confessed that you're beautiful... how your belly was filled with butterflies and He moved closer to you.

When He helped you in the potions class and told Professor Ivodus that You prepared the entire potion without his help. Even though Ivodus didn't believe him but still It was worth it.

When Riddle let you read his diary. Which had beautiful thoughts about you.

All those beautiful memories of Riddle make you smile. But again thoughts of how heart-broken Donovon would be if he knows about all that.

But you also had memories with Donovon. He hugged you everytime he saw you. He religiously took you to Three broomsticks. He bought you a precious gold locket with his heart poured out in beautiful words. He never betrayed you. He always stood by your side and fought everyone for you.


Your heart skips a beat. Abruptly, Olive and Isobelle enter the room dancing and they seem very happy.

Rising from your seat, you address them with an amused smile, your curiosity piqued. "What's gotten into you two?" you inquire playfully.

Isobelle's laughter is contagious as she draws you into an impromptu dance. "It's the most wonderful time of the year!" she exclaims, her enthusiasm infectious.

Giggling along with them, you can't help but be swept up in their mirth. "Well, what is it then?" you ask, the anticipation building as their contagious joy washes over you.

Isobelle passes you to Olivia

Olivia utters in a song like tone "It's yuuuuule balllllllll."

"Oh! That's why?". You chirp "So has anyone asked you out?"

The enthusiasm in Olivia's eyes is palpable as she exclaims, "Yes!"

Both you and Isobelle react in tandem, a chorus of eager anticipation. "Who?" the question escapes your lips and Isobelle's almost simultaneously, as your excitement mirrors Olivia's own.

"Cedric Lancelot from the quidditch team."

Isobelle acts as if she almost faints.

Olivia and you chuckle.

Isobelle sighs ,"Nobody has asked me yet."

Olive requests "Who are you going with?"

She cuts you off before you could speak.

"Certainly, it is silly of me."

A fit of giggles escapes you as you flump onto your bed, the laughter a natural response to the delightful atmosphere. Settling down, you stretch out and lie down, the softness of the bed providing a comforting haven.

Echoes of Ambition & Entwined Fates: The Enigma of Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now