An Unwelcomed Union

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In your customary spot on the grounds, you, Olivia, and Isobelle are seated. A striking Gryffindor with raven hair approaches your group.

Initiating the conversation, he addresses you, "Hey, Y/N, could I have a word with you?"

Perplexed, you exchange glances with Olivia and Isobelle.

He continues, "I'll be waiting near the 2nd floor corridor." With a smile, he departs.

Isobelle interjects, "I forgot to mention, he's been gazing at you since day one."

"What?" Your expression reflects confusion.

Isobelle continues "Yes, he was looking at you while You and Olive were occupied with Riddle."

Olivia chimes in, "Don't overthink it. Just go! He's waiting."

You rise and start walking, but pause to inquire, "By the way, what's his name?"

Olivia and Isobelle exchange puzzled glances before exclaiming in unison, "You don't know his name!" They both burst into giggles.

"Ask him yourself," Isobelle asserts with a playful grin.

You ascend the staircase and there he stands.

Approaching him, you notice that while he's usually relaxed around his friends, there's a hint of nervousness about him now.

As you stand next to him He looks at you and smiles. Then, His piercing eyes are fixed on you. After realizing that he's been looking at you, He lowers his gaze and When he begins to talk his voice cracks.

Embarrassed he clears his throat. And begans. "Will you join me for lunch at three broomsticks?"

You are unsure of what to do. You look at him and his eyes are still lowered. But then you agree "Sure" He gives you a beautiful smile and you question "What's your name?"

He grins in response, admitting, "My apologies, I should've started with an introduction... I'm Hayes, Hayes Donovon."

Your heart flutters at his introduction, and a sense of warmth fills the space between you. "It's nice to officially meet you, Hayes," you reply with a genuine smile.

"Likewise," he responds, his gaze finally meeting yours with a mix of sincerity and relief. "I've seen you around quite a bit, but I never had the courage to approach until now."

Your cheeks tint with a slight blush as his words sink in. "Well, I'm glad you did," you admit, your voice carrying a subtle note of sincerity.

Together, you make your way to the Three Broomsticks, the walk filled with easy conversation that belies the initial awkwardness. Once there, the cozy ambiance of the tavern welcomes you both. As you settle into a corner table, the conversation flows effortlessly, laughter punctuating the moments of connection.

Hayes tells you about his fascination with magical creatures. The stories hinting towards a newfound friendship. Hours slip by in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a sense of enchantment.

Over the course of a few weeks, you and Hayes grow closer, forging a strong bond. Your companionship blossoms, and you frequently find yourselves at the Three Broomsticks, revisiting the place where your initial encounter took place.

 Your companionship blossoms, and you frequently find yourselves at the Three Broomsticks, revisiting the place where your initial encounter took place

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