Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place

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I woke up startled, my heart pounding, to the sound of a piercing scream. I looked towards the door and saw Hermione Granger standing there, her expression horrified. I realized that I was bare, having been undressed by those tiny blue objects from the cursed room. I quickly covered myself with the sheets, knowing that Hermione had seen the marks left by Riddle on my body from the past, long before he truly fell in love with me.

Hermione cautiously walked closer to me, her eyes filled with concern. She asked in a trembling voice, "Did he do it?"

Molly, followed by everyone else, came rushing into the room. Sirius grabbed me by the neck, his anger apparent, and demanded, "What have you done?" He turned his attention to Hermione and asked, "Hermione, are you alright?"

Hermione stopped him and assured, "Yes, I just saw that object move." She then requested that everyone else leave, stating that she just wanted to bring me breakfast. Reluctantly, they all left the room, leaving Hermione and me alone.

Hermione sat beside me, concern in her eyes, and asked, "Those marks? Did he do it?"

I nodded with a sigh, "Yes, but this was a long time ago." She held my arm and gently urged me to come downstairs. Hermione assured me that she would have someone send up a dress for me. With that, she walked out of the room.

As Hermione informed Molly about the scars, Molly shared the information with the others. Shortly after, there was a knock on the door, and Molly appeared, wearing a warm smile as she handed me a gorgeous dress. "We'll wait for you," she said, encouraging me to get ready.

I accepted the dress and changed into it before making my way downstairs. Everyone had already gathered for breakfast, and I joined them, feeling a bit more at ease in their presence.

As I sat at the table with everyone, I noticed that most of them were friendly and welcoming, but Sirius seemed to hold a lingering anger towards me. The tension in the room was palpable, and I knew that the moment I had dreaded was drawing near.

Soon after, Harry joined us at Grimmauld Place. As he looked at me, anger and resentment filled his eyes. Remus sensed the brewing tension and quickly grabbed me, leading me out of the room. He locked me in one of the adjacent rooms as they began the arduous task of explaining the situation to Harry.

From behind the closed door, I could hear Harry's voice filled with agony, shouting, "She is to be blamed equally!" Molly and Remus did their best to console him, reassuring him that it wasn't my fault, but the anger and grief were difficult for him to bear.

After a few hours, the door to the room was finally unlocked, and I stepped out. I tried to smile at Harry, but he didn't respond in kind. Harry stood alongside Molly, Remus, and Sirius, who were all waiting for me.

Molly took charge and said, "My dear, I think you ought to inform them. Share every detail." She placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Particularly Harry, he deserves to know." Molly then turned her gaze to Sirius. "And you. Allow her to express herself and make an effort to comprehend her words."

I nodded in agreement, understanding that it was time to share the truth about my relationship with Tom Riddle and the circumstances that led me to this point.

As they settled onto the sofa, I took a seat in an armchair, feeling the uncomfortable tension fill the room. I knew I had to speak the truth, no matter how difficult it might be.

I began, addressing Harry directly, "Harry, I understand your feelings, and I'm truly sorry, but you have to know that I had nothing to do with his actions." Sirius sighed, and Harry's annoyance was evident.

I took a deep breath and continued, "Regarding Riddle, I was given a mission by Professor Dumbledore, but I failed. At first, we hated each other, but then something changed, and I fell in love with him. He used and hurt me, physically and mentally, tortured me." Tears welled up in my eyes, and I couldn't hold back the pain and grief.

I continued, "I ran away to another man I loved, Hayes, but I don't know where he is now. He might even be dead. Voldemort found me, but this time, he was different. He actually loved me, treated me like an equal, cared for me. He even left the dark path for a while, until he was pulled back into it."

I looked at Harry, whose eyes were filled with tears. Remus, too, was struggling to hide his emotions. I continued through my tears, "I couldn't bear it. He broke his promises, he broke me." The weight of my experiences hung heavily in the room.

I admitted with a heavy heart, "He used me as a slave in the beginning." The weight of the past was heavy on my shoulders as I revealed the darkest aspects of my history with Riddle.

As I got up and lifted my dress slightly to reveal the deep, horrific scars on my thigh, Sirius's emotions ran wild. He stared at the scars, a mix of anger and sadness in his eyes. I explained, "He used to inscribe his name on me. Sometimes, he used me back in Hogwarts to cover up his crimes."

Gulping back my emotions, I continued, "But there was a time when he changed, for a few years. I loved him, and he loved me. But now, I'm afraid even of his shadow. The mere thought of him haunts me, especially considering what he did to Harry. I couldn't take it anymore." My voice trembled as I shared the painful truth.

As I got up and lifted my dress slightly to reveal the deep, horrific scars on my thigh, Sirius's emotions ran wild. He stared at the scars, a mix of anger and sadness in his eyes. I explained, "He used to inscribe his name on me. Sometimes, he used me back in Hogwarts to cover up his crimes."

Gulping back my emotions, I continued, "But there was a time when he changed, for a few years. I loved him, and he loved me. But now, I'm afraid even of his shadow. The mere thought of him haunts me, especially considering what he did to Harry. I couldn't take it anymore." My voice trembled as I shared the painful truth.

In the dimly lit room, a heavy silence hung in the air, thick with anticipation and tension. The faces gathered around me displayed a myriad of emotions, from anger to empathy, as I prepared to reveal the harrowing chapter of my life that had intertwined with darkness and despair.

Taking a deep breath, I turned my attention to Harry, whose eyes were flowing with tears then I looked at Sirius, whose eyes burned with a mix of anger and sorrow. Molly and Remus stood nearby, their expressions mirroring a shared sense of trepidation. The room seemed to constrict around me as I began to speak.

"Harry," I said, my voice trembling with a raw honesty, "I can only offer you my deepest apologies, though I must make it clear that the darkness which has marred your life is not of my making."

Sirius, unable to contain his emotions, yelled, "How could you ever love him? How could you let him do this to you?"

I stepped closer to Harry, tears blurring my vision. "I'm so sorry for the suffering you've endured. It wasn't your fault, and it wasn't mine either. Please, Harry, understand that."

Harry's tears flowed freely, and he took a step toward me. "I'm sorry for everything I said about you. You didn't deserve it. It wasn't your fault that he's a monster."

Moved by his words, I embraced him, tears mingling with his own, as we found solace in shared pain and forgiveness. In that moment, we began to heal the wounds left by a man whose shadow still loomed over our lives.

In the comforting solitude of my new room, I began to piece together my emotions, attempting to mend the shattered fragments of my life. Time had a way of healing, but I wondered if these deep scars would ever truly fade.

A soft knock on the door pulled me from my contemplation, and I welcomed Sirius into my room with an unfamiliar smile. He whispered a promise to come back soon and exited, leaving me in the care of Molly.

Molly's presence reassured me as she approached with her maternal warmth. "Let me see your wounds," she kindly requested, and without hesitation, I began to undress, revealing the physical remnants of my painful past.

As Molly examined my scars, her compassionate voice soothed my soul. "Oh, my dear, these wounds you've endured... They may be fading on the surface, but the strength in your heart is what truly matters."

"Thank you, Molly," I whispered, grateful for her kindness.

With a warm smile, she continued her healing charms, the scars gradually disappearing. "It's my pleasure, dear. You've been through so much."

In that moment, as the last scar faded, I felt not only a physical relief but a glimmer of hope, as if I was on the path to a new beginning.

Echoes of Ambition & Entwined Fates: The Enigma of Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now