Captivating Charms

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You get ready to head down for the classes the first class of the day was Transfiguration.
As you step into the Transfiguration classroom, your gaze sweeps across the expanse, seeking a suitable place to settle. Amidst this visual exploration, your eyes alight upon familiar figures seated in the second row—Olivia and Isobelle. A smile graces your features as you approach, your heart warmed by the prospect of their company. Taking a seat beside Olivia, you settle in.
       After a brief little chat you observe the classroom. The class is combined for Slytherin and Gryffindor.
       Slytherin is seated right in front of Gryffindor. All of them seemed to be formed in groups However, your attention is captured by an a boy seated alone at the forefront, engrossed in the act of inscribing thoughts upon the weathered pages of a time-worn, tattered, brown diary.
         A Charmingly-captivating aura, jet black hair, pale skin, dark brown eyes a person so perfect you could only imagine in dreams.
        He looks up as if he knew someone's watching him.As soon as he lifts his head up. Swiftly, you avert your gaze

    Olivia playfully nudges you, her voice laced with curiosity. "What's caught your attention?"

Your response is swift, a mask of nonchalance concealing your observation. "Oh, it's nothing," you assure, deflecting any inkling of your earlier intrigue.

  Olivia squints in suspicion "Don't lie. I know you're looking at him. I personally don't like Riddle." She sighs  "Even though everbody seems to be charmed by him. He wasn't personally nice to me."
"What are you talking about...He's soo dreamy.." Isobelle gawks at him adoringly. Her eyes glimmer with an admiring sentiment as she continues, "Not to mention, he's garnered quite the attention from every girl, and it appears even the teachers are charmed by his presence."

    Olivia Interrupts her, her words laced with a hint of skepticism. "I understand, but sometimes it's important to remember that appearances can be deceiving. Everything about him might just be an illusion."
    The Transfiguration professor makes her entrance, commanding the class's attention as she embarks on her lecture.

Following the conclusion of the class, your day unfolds with two additional subjects: History of Magic and Flying. The former, a combined session for Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, is led by the ghost presence of Professor Binns—a spectral instructor who imparts knowledge from beyond the veil of life.
He taught until a very old age, when he fell asleep in the staff room and died in slumber.Afterwards, he became a ghost who continued to teach.

       All the students, whom he never paid any attention to,  fell asleep listening to his droning, reedy voice, eventually waking up to copy down a name or date, but falling asleep again and again.
     Some of them altogether gave up and slept peacefully.
     He read from his never-ending collection of notes.
   There were very less students in the class as most of them No wonder dropped out of his subject.

      After the class you join Olivia and Isobelle. They chuckle looking at you as Olivia teases "Had fun with 'The History of magic" her emphasis on the words "History of Magic" lingers like a mischievous charm.
  "I was practically on the verge of tears, it was that captivating," you jest, your tone laced with sarcasm.
   Isobelle chimes in, her voice cheerful, "Shall we grab a bite? It's about time we get a break."  

     She looks at You and mocks "I hope you didn't sign up for evening classes as well."

     The group makes their way towards the garden, where a scene of lively activity unfolds. Some students engage in spell practice, some diligently tackle assignments, while some take leisurely strolls, or savor snacks.

Echoes of Ambition & Entwined Fates: The Enigma of Tom Riddle Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang