Reap the Rewards

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"Rise your heads." Lord Gown's commanding voice boomed inside the hallowed throne room, the vibrations reaching deep inside me.

"Yes." Each guardian responded back, complying with the undead's command. Their heads rose, in unison, perfectly synchronized. It was beautiful to see, each guardian of both lords standing together, a mighty force. The power that this room held, was incomparable to an army. Lord Gown's eyes began to gleam, his red pupils shining brightly in the dark room. Yet, I still sat comfortably on his lap, now a little embarrassed from all the eyes on me.

"You all did well in fulfilling your roles during the operations in Re-Estiza Kingdom." Lord Gown continued.

Ah, he must be talking about the assignments he had everyone on when we first met.

The guardians, who originally belonged to Lord Gown, smiled proudly, some even smirking to the other side who were less than bemused at the obvious gloating.

"Sebas, Solution, step forward." He raised his mighty hand in the air, signaling with his long and slender fingers for the two figures to come forth. This would be my first time meeting Solution, I made sure to pay great attention to his words and the people he was proud of.

Forwards stepped the same butler who had joined Lord Gown when we first met, and next to him, a maid who wore a tight and short uniform, probably a Pleiades battle maid. Her hair was shiny and golden, and she lacked nothing on top nor on the bottom. Her eyes looked dull, she reminded me of a doll who was broken a long time ago, yet here she was standing and walking forward. They both bent on one knee, waiting for their master to speak.

"You both worked diligently in long-term information collection. In response to your brilliant work, I shall grant you a reward each." Lord Gown spoke out, his voice clear and smooth. It felt soothing to my ears, sitting right on him.

"Sebas," He continued.

"Yes." Sebas looked up at him, keeping his gray eyes on him only, not sarong a single glance my way.

"You asked for the life of Tuare to be spared, but I promised her protection to repay a debt already owed. It was not in response to your hard work." Tuare, I wondered. This must be someone important for Sebas if his lord is sparing her for him. Interesting. "So, I shall grant you something else you desire."

"Lord Ainz," Sebas bowed his head down once more. "My only desire is to devote myself to–" But he was interrupted by Lord Gown.

"Know that it is sometimes displeasing to rule over the selfishness." He warned Sebas, but I could understand where he stood. Getting the guardians to accept any kindness from us was hard, being the stubborn beings they were, but loved by us all the same.

"My apologies. If that is the case," Sebas continued before hesitating, looking at his lord again. "I would like clothes and daily necessities for Tuare."

"Granted. I shall provide gold for such purchases. You may take Tuare with you as a date." Lord Ainz teased Sebas, whose ears had now been given a wonderful pink hue compared to his normal gray complexion. How cute.

"A-Are you certain?" Sebas hesitated, his eyes widening in shock as he stared at his lord at such a suggestion.

"I do not mind." Lord Gown replied back, easing his subordinate's concerns.

"Thank you very much." Sebas bowed once more, thanking his lord.

"Now, Solution. Tell me what you wish for." Lord Gown turned to the golden-haired woman next to Sebas. I listened with intrigue.

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