Hot Spring's

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It had been some time since the initial meeting, a few weeks at least. True to his word, Lord Gown was able to somehow transport my flying fortress inside the tomb. Though that took some time and hassle, my faith was well rewarded. My husband-to-be had included me in some of the work he had planned out, including the work he does as Momon the Adventurer. This fact he told me on the third day of me living with him.

Little by little we have been able to merge the two groups, with only a little backlash. By backlash, I mean the problems that occurred when we had the first meeting. Once I learned about what had happened, I made sure to punish the two grown men accordingly. Paperwork for both of them, which isn't unusual for Alucard, but I made sure it was the same work as Chimera's. Interracial relationships are hard to handle, and since there is so much of it, it helps that Chimera has three heads and two sets of arms. Alucard was drowning in paperwork, and Caspian was way over his head on the normal paperwork that Alucard usually handles.

Since Chimera had nothing to do, I gave him a well-deserved day off which he got to do whatever he wished to do. Little did I know that meant following me everywhere, us having tea together, and spending most of the day in each other's company. It was quite enjoyable, letting us get closer a little more than before. This gave me the idea of doing so on the regular. Spending time with not only my guardians but also with Lord Gown's guardians, maybe that way things can progress smoother.

"So, you're telling me that you, Albedo, and Shelltear and all too busy to spend any time with me today?" I question one of the twin elves, Aura specifically. Her white and red fitted outfit fit her personality perfectly. Assertive and not afraid to speak her mind, I was hoping that I could bond with her the easiest, but for some reason even she seems to be avoiding me.

"Uh..." Her eyes averted my face, keeping her eyes busy with everything and anything else.

"Even though I had specifically asked one of you girls to spend even an hour of your time with me?"

"Well..." She fidgeted.

"And Lord Gown even reassured me that he made sure that there wouldn't be any conflict in the schedule for us to spend time together?" I ask hesitantly, the feeling of defeat slowly creeping into my heart, tarnishing my ideal day of a girl's day out.

"Uh, I think someone is calling me through a message, I think I have to go." With a quick bow, she was gone in a flash. Her legs ran far and fast, leaving me standing alone in the rocky and dingy hallways of the sixth floor.

The wind blew softly, a warm breeze that had been cast by Mare to help all of us to acclimate to the new change of living underground. Looking up into the night sky that was never-ending, the stars twinkled softly, their differing hues comforting me. I missed the soft, green grass that I could walk on top of whenever I wanted, and the strong rays of sunlight that entered my bedroom in the morning, allowing me to wake up naturally.

Walking back inside the Colosseum, the crunching of bare rock underneath my shoes, I couldn't help but feel bitter against the women who had rejected the invitation to bond together. The others had no problem, so what gives?

Not only that, but they were the typical excuses one would give to an acquaintance. But at this time, with the wedding inching closer by the week, I should be anything but an acquaintance.

Maybe I was forcing them too much? Let's take things from their perspective. A stranger, who happens to become engaged with their master in a short amount of time, also clashed with the opposite group as well.

Yeah, now I see their hesitancy.

Alright, I will let them get close to me on their own terms, no need to rush things! In the meantime, I could try to learn more about the beings who reside in the tomb.

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