The Throne

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I didn't even feel us teleport, but I had by instinct closed my eyes when he bid his short farewell to everyone. While still being held in the arms of Lord Gown, I opened my eyes slowly, looking around the room.

The large pillars spiraled up from the floor, the ceiling high from the ground. No chandelier, but there was an air of elegance with the white walls and cool marble flooring. A large wooden desk, with papers and folders, stood at the center back corner. Like the big boss's desk that you would know for a fact was his even without any nameplate on it. A large leather recliner-like chair, plump from the soft stuffing and decorated with all the bells and whistles sat behind the desk, ready for the big boss himself to sit in it.

Though simple in looks, it still looked impressive. My office was smaller with less open-air space, and more wooden bookcases and shelving lining the parchment walls. The large windows invite sunlight to come in and give some warmth to the office I call my own.

Turning to look to the side of me, the large figure of Lord Gown was still towering over me, lowering me slowly until my feet could reach the floor. I retract my hand from his, finally feeling steady where I am standing, only to be pulled back into the arms of Lord Gown, placing my hand on his large chest to steady myself.

"What you pulled back there was quite the trick, a dirty one at that." His voice was low, almost rumbling. I felt my heartbeat pick up the pace a bit.

"I just wanted to get back at you for the trick you pulled on me the last time." I hesitantly answer back. His posture was intimidating, but I knew those eyes were still kind.

"Hmm, what trick was that again?"

"The one where you just announced to everyone that you were in love with me. It was quite the dirty trick you pulled on me." I retort back.

"But you didn't deny it to them, you went along with the theatrics." He spoke low and soft, the vibrations tickling my ears as the words entered my head.

"I'd wager you even liked it, seeing how red your cheeks are right now." He let out a chuckle.

"L-l-liked, what?" I gasp for breath as I am barely able to speak my words. I could suddenly feel the air become cooler around my face and ears. I wondered how red I could be for it to be so visible under the dim lighting in this room. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering, especially with each word that he said out loud.

"My dear," He gently lifted my face to meet his, his fingers softly grazing my lips. "It was only a wager, nothing more. Please don't take it seriously."

My stomach did flips now, forget the butterflies.

"Must we walk along with them as our master is somewhere maybe being coerced or worse, threatened by that undead, in this massive castle?" Alucard whisper-yelled near the ear of Caspian, who would rather listen to a wood chipper than him. But even with his hatred of Alucard, he was making an excellent point. His precious master was somewhere in this giant castle, and he could do nothing more than follow the monsters who were holding her captive right this moment. Had he the choice, he would storm the tomb and rescue his princess, and ride into the sunset.

All of that was impossible, so he was left feeling helpless. A feeling no worse than that to him.

"I suggest you keep those floppy lips of yours shut, before you get us into more trouble." Caspian glared at the Vampire.

"I should take the opportunity to end you right here and now, now that our master is gone." Alucard hissed back.

"Finally, I was beginning to think that you would cower behind the Great one all this time, now you show your teeth." Caspian sneered, readying his fists, stretching the muscles that line his body like armor.

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