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The floors creaked, as everyone sat in silence. I had called an emergency meeting, since everyone seemed to have lost their souls the night before. Cleaning up that mess was a chore itself, considering that I was so very tired at the end of the day. The gentle rocking of the fortress continued as we headed toward the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Still, no matter how shocking any news is, how could the guardians of this great library behave in such a way?

Everyone looked around anxiously since it had been a couple of minutes now that their master had been just been sitting and not saying anything. A gloomy aura could be seen around her, floating around her like muck water. Their master obviously displeased with whatever havoc the guardians were up to last night.

'I wish the ground could just swallow me whole, right here and now.' Chimera fiddled with his fingers, cold sweat forming on their skin with panic filling their desolate heart. Their creator, TheLegend27, who had given them life also gave Chimera a personality no one would have wanted. One would think of him as a peacemaker, yet at any moment they could snap and become somewhat of a psychotic being.

Yet, right now, even they feared that their lives would be lost at the hand of their master. Not that it wouldn't be an honorable death, but think of all the wonderful memories they could still experience being by their lord's side. 

But their master was anything but kind when it came to her sleep.

"I had, high hopes for you all." Asteria began. "High expectations."

"Yet, the moment something goes wrong, you throw a fit of a magnitude the world has yet to see!" The windows shook violently, a scream defining the ears of every guardian who was present at the moment. Dread grasped their hearts, the high-pitched screeching still ringing in their ears.

Siofra had hidden her head inside her cloud, cursing everyone else for getting her in trouble. Asmodeus was stuttering, shaking violently in place, silent tears staining his perfect eyeliner. Draco was still in shock from the night before, not having had a single drop of sleep. He did not have any mental capacity to comprehend what had just happened, let alone hear the screaming. Tatiana, for once, was silently staring at the papers that were carefully laid in front of her. Her transparent wings lay heavy on the floor, trying hard to concentrate on anything else than what was happening at the very moment. Noface had melted, into a puddle. Caspian listened with vigor, taking in every word that his creator was spewing out. Even with his ears bleeding, he took every word that was handed to him. Alucard squirmed in his seat, high from the torture his great Lord was bestowing him.

After some choice words and shattered windows, Asteria huffed from how hoarse her voice had become. A familiar stinging sensation threatened her eyes, the same sensation she was too familiar with whenever she becomes too emotional. The anger came spewing out before she had the chance to calm herself and think the words through. It came out in violet, enraged waves that washed everything else out. All reason, all logic. All love she had for her only companions.

Wha-What kind of... leader am I?

The words kept repeating inside her head until she became nauseous. Her view was spiraling out of control, as she looked at every being one by one. Every one of them was guilty, but not deserving of the tongue-lashing she just gave. Ever.

Inhaling the pain back in her chest, deep inside, she took steps towards Asmodeus. The most sensitive of all the guardians, he whimpered in his seat, as Asteria stepped closer.

Taking his large figure into her arms, she held the handsomely emotional being in her embrace. Placing her hand on his fluffy hair, Asteria soothed him, as the whimpering slowly subsided.

There he just sat, bewildered, as many stared in jealousy at the scene.

After a small moment of hesitation, he reached his arms around the Great One's figure. So small, and delicate. Every part of her body was soft and round, smelling like the fresh morning sun. He nuzzled his face deeper into her, his face between her breasts, feeling the calm rhythm of her heart and how it pumped warmth to every corner of her body.

So, this was what love felt like?

All eyes were on the pair, silently staring as the seconds ticked by.

Caspian stared at the pessimistic guardian in horror, who holding his dear creator with his head between her bosom, defiling her with his every breath. He could feel his blood coming to an absolute boiling point, rage choking him out. Dr. Soter, the main alchemist of the flying fortress, and Phrixa scooting away from him hurriedly, the feeling of death became overwhelming.

Alucard had stopped his squirming of pleasure in his seat and was staring at the black-haired demon king holding the Great One. How dare he hold her just like that, when he had never once laid his hands on his mistress once. Had he thought about taking her for himself, to lay his unworthy hands upon her supple skin and hear her scream out his name, yes, but this was something he will never admit to anyone. Yet it unlocked another form of fury deep inside of him that he had never once felt before. Veins became apparent as he stared at Asmodeus terrifyingly calmly.

"A-Astra-sama!" Siofra piped up, breaking the death glares everyone was shooting at the now very aware Asmodeus.

Breaking contact with the love-deprived demon king, who was reluctant to let go, Asteria turned towards the small spirit softly floating towards her on her cloud.

"I want you to hold me too!" Siofra whined, reaching her hands towards the Goddess. Her small and round, childlike figure pulled at her heartstrings, still reminding her of her younger sister. Siofra's eyes, round and a cloudy rose, sparkled under the lights of the crystals. She threw herself out from the protection of her cloud companion and into the secure arms of her one true master.

Asteria couldn't hold back her joy, holding the small spirit up to her heart. Smelling like strawberry sundaes, Asteria rested her chin on top of the small being's head where her hat was tucked in tight.

Feeling more eyes on her, Siofra turned her attention toward everyone in the room. She was met with more disgruntled stares. She squinted her eyes ever so slightly and smirked at everyone, snarky. Lifting her hand to make a peace sign, she spoke with her eyes to everyone.

I win.

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