Carne Village

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A small village, with goblins and trolls working together with humans. I had my guardians collect information about different species and their complicated working relationships, so this was far from my expectations. A small girl with a group of goblins was walking toward us.

"Hello and welcome to Carne village. I am Enri Emmot, a resident in this small village." A young blond-haired girl spoke out in a cheery tone.

"Yeah, she is our boss lady!" One of the goblins spoke out matter-of-factly.

"Kaijali!" Enri panicked and scolded one of the goblins.

"Thank you," I smiled back, entertained by the scene in front. "Impressive wall by the way, but it does make one feel like you want to keep something out."

"Yes," Enri mellowed, smiling sadly. "We were attacked by a group of holy knights and were luckily saved by a noble man. We have been under his protection ever since and growing or numbers steadily. There have been other attacks but ever since goblin-san and his friends appeared, we have been safer!"

"This all sounds like a lot to take in, I am sorry for such losses," Noface spoke. I was surprised since the guardians have always shown such pride and arrogance against any inferior species. I guess this is why Noface is our best spy.

"Anyway, I was told you were looking to sell some herbs? We have our town's herbalist and potion master in the corner of our small village, we can take you there." Enri motions for us to follow, as she began to walk to the left.

"So if you don't mind us asking, who was the man who saved the village? Fighting against holy knights is tough, let alone a whole group of them." Honestly, I was hoping to hear something of the adventurer Momon, since saving an entire town is hero worthy. Although that did not come up in the meeting.

"His name is Ainz Ooal Gown, and he appeared in front of us in a cloud of purple smoke. He was scary at first, but turned out to be very caring and a powerful magician." Enri looked ahead as we kept walking towards a small hut with an odd odor growing stronger.

"Ainz Ooal Gown?" I question while pondering about the name. I was going through my memory to see if I could put a face to the name, but no matter how much I tried, the name felt more like a distant memory to me.

"Here we are." I was snapped back to reality by Enri as she stopped in front of a small hut with vile purple smoke rising from the chimney. The smell was already strong, but as she opened the door and the purple smoke hit our faces, it felt like I was choking.

It was almost sticking to the inside of my throat, inching and scratching at my lungs as I hacked away from the vile fumes.

"Enri, I have discovered it! A new way to make health potions and it has changed color as well!" A young boy, not older than Enri burst out from the hut, high from the fumes and lack of oxygen. His bangs hung in front of his eyes, but I am pretty sure his eyes were popping out from his face from the excitement.

"Uh huh, maybe take a couple of breaths." She responded confused before facing me.

"Nfirea, these people are here to do business with you. Maybe take a break from the potions and see what they have to say?" Smile smiles at the young boy named Nfirea who was dusting himself off.

"Sure, thanks Enri." He blushed. "You look... really pretty today." He whispered under his breath.

"Huh?" Enri questioned him, I could feel the second-hand embarrassment.

"Aaaah, nothing!" He began to fiddle with his hands.

Enri left us with Nfirea, who invited us inside the hut he had busted out of. Shelves lined with books and scrolls lined the walls of his tiny shop. The smell of medicine was strong, as well as dried herbs that lied the shelves and walls behind the counter. Sunlight just barely peeked through the windows, warming the room with its bright hues.

"So what business did you have with me?" Nfirea asked while organizing some of his test tubes on the counter. The table was a mess with lots of different powders and instruments for his experiments.

"We just have some herbs and ingredients you would be interested in purchasing from us. We are just traveling by and selling to whatever town we come by." I offer up and place our full baskets in front of him. As Nfirea takes his time assessing some of the ingredients we have brought to him, I take the chance of exploring his shop.

Books on basic magic and scrolls of the beginner level it seems, but what was surprising was the color of the potions he had to offer.

Blue? As far as I know, health potions are red. Maybe a lower quality? This is new information and I'm pretty sure Siofra would be drooling all over this.

"So what new potion have you discovered Nfirea?" I ask as I examine the new potion in my hand.

"I'm not sure if I should share that news with a complete stranger..." He looked at me uncomfortably. I grabbed the blue potion and placed it in front of him.

"Oh, sorry, you just happened to mention this when you came to the door." I chuckle softly.

"I did? Well, I guess I did hehe." He chuckled while scratching the back of his head. Extracting information from people was never my strong suit, but there is another way to get the information you need, and that is by the wares they sell.

"You don't have to say anything if it makes you uncomfortable. We will just sell our herbs and buy this blue potion, my husband is very clumsy so it's better to be safe than sorry." I shake the blue potion and point to Noface, whose color is now draining from his face.

"You are married? That's nice. I hope to get married myself one day." Nfirea smiled with a pink hue spreading across his face, even his bangs couldn't hide it.

"Yes, just recently. We decided to travel and experience the world together, right honey?" I lean towards Noface, who stiffens right upon contact.

"O don't be shy now." I poke his chest. "Usually you're so talkative."

I twirl circles with my pointer finger on Noface's chest, leaning on his shoulder, staring at him. His face was beet red, stoic as ever.

"I-I..." He stammered out. "I need some air." As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he was gone. All I could do was snicker, watching him squirm next to me was amusing.

"Anyway, is there any town near here? We are looking for a place to settle down and maybe stabilize a small shop of our own?" I inquire from Nfirea who was still shocked by Noface's sudden outburst.

"Yes," He spoke slow. "There is the Re-Estize Kingdom only a day's ride away."

"Oh, south of here, correct?"

"Yes, that's right." He smiled softly.

I hear a neigh from out the open window and see a horse outside. Hmm, this must be fate.

"Nfirea," I call out to him without breaking my gaze from the horse.


I turn to him heat emanating from my eyes, feeling them burn brighter as I activate a hidden skill, meeting his stunned eyes.

'The Ultimate Command'

"Give me your horse and cart."

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