Party time

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"Michael" i drawl out, purposely taking my time to look between his outstretched hand and smiling face like a bitch. "It's nice to meet you" he returns genuinely. "what are you're motives with Bailey?"
"Oh my god Iris!" Bailey groans, bright pink with embarrassment while Michael's grin widens,
"My motive is to make him my boyfriend and to make him happy as long as he keeps me around" I like that answer. Humming I nod but keep my arms firmly crossed against my chest.

"Are you in college?"
"Yes, I'm studying to become a lawyer" he has  ambition, that's a good trait to obtain.
"Is that an achievable prospect for you?" I raise an eyebrow, eyes peeled for any signs of hesitation. "Yes I'm top of my class" a bit cocky for my liking. "Oh so you think very highly of yourself?"

"What? No I-"
"Arrogance is one of the leading causes of relationships ending" is that factually correct? Maybe not but it stuns him for a second.
"I'm not arrogant-"
"You sure do sound like it"
"I assure you that is not my intention" his face wrinkles with panic and I bite my cheek to hide a smirk. That was far too easy and fun.

"Ignore her she forgot to take her crazy pills this morning" Bailey intercedes with a glare pointed in my direction. Hey I just did what any parent would do and since he got handed a shitty pair, I'm stepping up to the task.
"I have five dogs you know" my random comment makes Michael frown even deeper.
"Iris-" Bailey warns but I ignore him,
"They can smell arrogance and are trained to bite until their prey stops moving" i move my hands toward him in a quick action and he jolts back slightly.

"He's going to shit himself if you carry on" a hot whisper makes my body erupt with goosebumps.
"Good" i mutter back, eyes moving from Bailey who guides his boyfriend into the living room and far away from me. "That was hot" his words tease the shell of my ear as his breath fans across it. "I don't think Michael or Bailey would agree"
"They would if they got to see it from my view" I don't have to ask what he means by that as two palms mould around my ass and give it a tight squeeze. "You're insane" no normal person would listen to me poorly threaten my best friends boyfriend and find it hot because they can see my ass while I do it.

"That's your fault, you've made me mad Moore" ditto newbie. "You were already mad, otherwise you wouldn't of stayed" he slides his hands across my hips and secures them at the bottom of the stomach. "Maybe so but you're just as mad baby because you let me have you and now I won't let go" my shoulders drop at his words.
"Say you swear" I merely whisper,
"I swear." He doesn't miss a beat and my chest lightens. I hope he means it. I need him to mean it because I can't go on without him.

A warm kiss is pressed to my exposed neck before he leads me into the living room where the boys sit. I continue my interrogation with no further threats on baileys demand and by the time we are leaving the house I know a criminal amount about Michael. All of which assures me he is a perfect match for my best friend.

Baileys wild nature is both appreciated and calmed by Michael's more reserved personality. They balance each other out and i just know that this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

"You're friends are going to hate me!" Bailey cries out, running out of the door in a rush as we are running late to the party by fifteen minutes.
"You've already met them B, stop worrying" Michael catches him in his arms and my best friends groans out loud, burying his head into Michael's chest. "But not enough times that being late is okay"
"If they are really bothered just blame it on newbie" I suggest with a shrug that results in a light pinch to my hip as I climb into the back of the car that Michael drives.

"You won't like what excuse I give them for running late, Moore" if those words weren't suggestive enough the next ones sure were,
"It would go a little like you screaming my name and making a mess all over the clean bedsheets" a warmth coils in the gut of my stomach that i potently ignore. "Trust me newbie, my name would be on your lips like a dying man's prayer, not the other way round" his lips curve,
"Wanna bet?"
"What do you have in mind?" my heart races, eyes losing focus on everything but Elias.

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