This day

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                                     And then
                      she looked to the sky and
                     thanked the heavens that
                           she never gave up.

Unedited version

Author pov

The sun is rising , Birds are getting ready to chirp. the early morning breeze boom through the windows of a certain penthouse. The cool air reminds her of the mornings she use to spent on her island making her miss home just a little bit or a lot who to tell....

A certain someone was excited for work today, she got up extra early to get ready not wanting to be late for her official first day at work , even though she prepared her outfit from the night before. After sitting up She stretches her limbs out hearing the satisfying sounds of her muscles being pulled. " good morning world" she said with a smile decorated on her face.


She placed her brown knee high dress alongside her brown scarf with her brown heels on the bed then walked towards the bathroom to take a warm shower. After about 10 minutes she walked out with a towel wrapped around her body. " wow I really took a shower in 10 minutes, I wonder if I bathed properly". She said looking at herself in the mirror observing her skin as she twists her body from side to side. After getting dressed She ran to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her and her cousin. Making chocolate pancakes, bacons with  scrambled eggs and mint tea, you can say she's a sucker for chocolate pancakes and eggs. she quickly ate her food and place Hanna's in the microwave so she could heat it up whenever she wakes. Hanna worked for the same company as her but in the sales department on the 10th floor. they'll hardly see each other at work so they promised to always have lunch together with Mr.Banks and Lilly.

"Hanna wake up or else you'll be late, your breakfast is in the microwave just heat it up". She shout loud enough for a sleeping Hanna to hear. "Mmm okay" Hanna said half awake. After about 30 minutes Shanta ran to get all her necessaries then  head for the door where she grab her coat. And can you guess what color the coat is ??.

Shanta's Pov

"Wow I really got ready and out of my place in less than an hr. So the talk about women taking forever to get ready is just a myth huh". I think to myself after getting in the cab.


"We're here" I heard the driver of the taxi said , I hand him the money which I find way too expensive for a cab ride that's just 30 minutes away from my apartment. I thanked the man then walked towards the building. " like seriously 20 dollars for a cab ride ? You know how much money that is in Jamaica? Well not much but still imagine paying 3 thousands dollars for a 30 minutes cab ride in Jamaica, that's crazy". I said to my cousin who called me to tell me how delicious the food was. " I know right I've been saying that but people keep looking at me crazy". "We should save up to buy a car" I said .

" and then gas will kill us, either way we lose some how".

Mmh but at least having our own car is better than waiting for a taxi.

" yeah that true. You have a point".

Anyways I'm here so I'll see you at lunchtime in uncle's office. I say to my cousin who's humming at every bite she takes.

"Okay have a wonderful first day okay and if you need anything call me, I'm just few floors down.

I will thank you see you later bye.

Leaving my island To find you Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin