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What? This can't !!  No!!!!!  no no no no no this can't be happening no this can't , this cannot be happening is this real? This can't be real
How could they ? Why would they ? She's my best friend and he's my boyfriend why would they hurt me like this ?
I don't understand

I CRY TO MYSELF ** while trying to call my boyfriend to find out what the fuck is going on this must be a terrible joke an awful one even because non of this is funny
You've reach the voicemail box of *****

I threw my phone out of frustration cutting off the voicemail box this can't be happening

DAD!!! daddy

"Baby girl what's wrong"

(Karson) was the last thing I said before everything went dark
"Baby girl can you hear me"
I open my eyes few minutes later to see my father standing over me
With fear / confusion and concern wash over his face

What happened? I ask

"You fainted , Shanta what's going on?"

As he's Helping me to my feet I'm looking at my dad Standing in front of me how can I tell him that the girl he treated like a daughter since we were little and the boy he grew to love are now married to each other? How can I tell my dad that two of the most important people to me have betrayed me in such an awful way ?
How can I tell the person that help gave me life that I don't want it anymore?

How can I tell my dad that I'm hurting without hurting him?, that's the thing I can't say any of this without hurting him and I won't keep this from my dad or my brothers they deserve to know because Stella and Karson not only betrayed me they've betrayed my family too

"I don't wanna be here anymore dad" I'm hurting I can't take this anymore please please (I plead with my father to shield me away from my pain)
'Baby girl calm down what are you saying I'm worried"

Then book a flight for me dad and get me off this island I can't do this anymore. I tell my father with tears streaming down my face

"Okay okay it's okay you're gonna be alright I promise , I'll get you on the first flight out tomorrow"

****SOUND OF RELIEF**** thank you

As my fathers words echo through my ears "your gonna be okay" but it doesn't feel that way , it felt has if my heart was rip out of my chest and it was it
It feels as if I lost my mom all over again but worst because my mother didn't choose to leave me death took her away from me , she didn't chose to hurt me but they did , Karson and Stella did .
Stella Izabella sawyer oh my fucking god how didn't I put that together before ? Fucking Izzy is short for Izabella in grade school we would call her Izzy for short it's been right under my nose this whole time and I didn't see it.
Her panting when Karson would come around , her knowing he was with his mom, her telling me to leave him , oh my god her telling me to leave him I say to myself has the tears start flowing again.

She told me to leave him because she wanted Karson for herself oh my gosh how could she.

I don't know what's worst the realization of everything or me being completely clueless this whole time .

How long have this been going on ?
When did it start ?
Have they fuck ? Omg
Of course they fuck they're fucking married

I say mad at myself feeling as if it's all my fault

Maybe I could've been a better girlfriend  , maybe I didn't love him hard enough , lord where did I go wrong ?

"STOP THAT SHIT YOU'VE BEEN GOOD TO BOTH OF THEM" the little voice in my head says and you know what she's right I'm not at fault here , I'm not perfect but I was good to both of them and they stab me in the back . We were together for nine fucking years and we never once talked about marriage and he went on and married my best friend while we were still together.


So sorry for the late updates guys 🙏🏾❤️
I hope you all enjoy my story

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