Leaving my island pt 2

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After I finish packing my stuff  I ran to my dad to ask if everything is set for tomorrow . I can't believe he
actually agreed to let me leave , his little girl going to another country all on her own , well I'm not that little but you know what I mean .

I hope leaving will be as good for me physically as  it'll be mentally, I hope it will bring me peace and somewhat heal this broken heart of mine 'somewhat'. I hope this pain doesn't consume me fully , I know there's no coming back from this trauma that my best friend and boyfriend cause
( EX BEST FRIEND AND EX BOYFRIEND ) my subconscious reminds me
"uggh damn it I need to stop calling them that".

All of this happened so quickly so I should go easy on myself, this isn't my fault I keep reminding myself to somewhat stop the tears that threaten my eyes every time my mind goes back to Karson and Izzy . Just saying their names put me at risk for tears .

"Baby girl"

Dad ?

"Have you finish packed?"

Yes just.


What's wrong ?? Is there something wrong ? ,
Dad please don't change your mind about me going please I need this , daddy please.

"I haven't changed my mind"

Then what's wrong ?

"Baby girl It's tough on a parent to see their child in so much pain to the point that the only way she think it's going to end is death or to leave where she's from, baby girl I love you so much , you and your brothers mean the world to me , you three are my entire life I live for you guys and seeing any one of you in pain breaks my heart  because I don't know how to fix your heartache , I couldn't when your mother died and I can't now, if I could rewind time I would shelter you from all of this , I would try my hardest not to  let any of this happen , I would hold you and cover you before your world came breaking down , I would take every blow. this makes me feel like I failed as you guy's father .
A lot of people think a parent wins when their child becomes successful this and that but a true parent only wins when all of their children are happy in this world full of cruelty and right now my baby girl is in pain and I can't do anything to take that away sigh I just wish your mom was here she would've known what to do , she was so much better with you guys than I'll ever be."

She would've beat Karson and Izzy's ass that's for sure .

"Lol she would wouldn't she ?"

Lol yes

"Yeah that woman had no chills"

But dad you are thee most amazing father I know , you've done wonderful with raising us before and after mom died , she would be proud of how we turned out , I don't think she would let me go to America though lol but yeah if I got a do over with picking parents I would choose you guys over and over again . I love you and thank you for giving me such an amazing life and thank you for supporting my decision to leave Jamaica.

"Anything to make you happy baby girl I love you"

My father said then placing a kiss on my forehead .

I love you too daddy.

"Get some rest princess".

The next morning........
Saying my goodbyes to my family was harder than I thought it was going to be , the sadness in my brothers eyes and the tears that threaten to fall from my father's eyes hold  more pain than I ever thought was possible. My dad looks at me the same way he looked at my mom when he was saying his last goodbyes . I hope my dad doesn't think he's losing me forever , I hope he knows that I'm one phone call and one plane ride away and that if he ever needs me to come back home I will without thinking twice..

As I stroll my suitcase towards check in my face is wash with the mixture of fear , sadness & excitement .  my new life awaits and I'm kind of nervous but excited , I can't wait to see my cousin and to pick out stuffs for our apartment that we're gonna share,  I can't wait to explore New York.

my dad got us an apartment in the upper east side just few minutes away from time square.
just thinking  about walking through time square thrills me.

After checking in I make my way towards boarding

I hear a voice calling  from afar
As I turn to face the direction from where my name was being called my body immediately froze in place shock from what I'm seeing , from whom I'm seeing , my mouth lost for words my body tends, stiffened in place as I struggle for words looking at the grey-blue eyed boy standing in-front of me

K k kar KARSON !!!.

Leaving my island To find you Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя