Two - Coming Down

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*'When I'm faded, I forget..forget what you mean to me'*



"Thank you for tonight Estonia, I love you!" I yell into the microphone as I slowly descend into the stage, out of breath from all the jumping and singing I've done on stage.

I just performed my second to last show of my second leg of the tour and honestly, I've absolutely loved it. This whole experience has just been amazing and my fans have been killing it this past year since I started this tour. On Wednesday, I'm performing my last show in London and since it's the last show of my leg, I decided to have a small private meet and greet. The second the special tickets for it aired, the whole website crashed but apparently someone was able to buy it. I'm kind of looking forward to having a small one on one conversation with a fan.

I love hearing about how much I've inspired them or something.

"Hey man, once again, you killed it out there! Your fans are loving it right now," I hear someone say. I turn around to see Cash walking up towards me. I chuckle and dap him up.

"Thanks man, a nigga really be working his ass off sometimes," I say, making my way towards my dressing room, ready to take off my outfit and change into something more comfortable for the night. I reach for the handle of my dressing room and turn it to open, just to find the whole crew sitting down on the couches, passing around a blunt or two.

"My man, you really outdid yourself tonight bro," Lamar says, passing the blunt in his hand to Hawk before jumping up and giving me a side-hug. I return the hug and dap him up too, reaching for the blunt from Hawk. I need something to calm my nerves down after that show and a quick smoke should do so.

"Thanks bro, anyways what are all of you doing in my room? Aren't you guys going down to the club or something?" I say, walking towards my small closet and pulling out a black tee shirt and some black sweatpants. I quickly change and look to Hawk.

"Nah man, change of plans. Your flight to London is leaving quicker and we decided we're not tryna be hungover for that shit." he says, puffing out a cloud of smoke through his nose.

"You guys tryna be responsible? Never heard of." I chuckle out, walking out from my closet getting nudged in the arm by Lamar on the way out.

"Haha very funny nigga," he says, walking towards Hyghly who's emerged in his camera, probably over-looking the photos he took from the concert tonight. He sits on the arm of the couch and starts looking over the photos with Hyghly, giving his opinions on them from time to time.

"Alright then guys, I'm gonna call it a night and start to head back towards the hotel. My jet is leaving in the morning tomorrow so make sure you all get there on time, I ain't waiting on none of y'alls asses." I say half serious, half jokingly. Half of the crew think because they fly privately with me, they can turn up at their own times, but I ain't playing like that no more. I'm not tryna hear anymore shit from the pilot even though I'm paying the guy. I understand where he's coming from so that's the only reason I'm even putting up with it right now.

I gather my bags and stuff from the floor and start making my way towards my car. I motion to Freddy that I'm ready to leave and he follows me out. I take the back entrance because even though I love my fans, I'm tired out from the numerous rehearsals I had today plus the entire concert. The door opens and a wave of flashes overcome me. To be honest, I'm used to it now but from time to time, it does start to get irritating but what can I do? It's my life now.

Freddy makes sure no one gets too close and I finally make it into my car.

I sigh and lean back in the seat, closing my eyes , already thinking about the London show.

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