Chapter 19 - The Illusion

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Now that the illusory barrier had been destroyed, Sylvie had no difficulty even pinpointing precisely where its creator was hiding. Daemon and the others therefore had to do nothing but follow her directions, reaching the entrance to a large cave within a few hours.

"Here we are. The imbalance in the magic that had spawned that barrier came from here."

"Looks like a typical place where a witch would hide."

"I agree. And I guess it goes without saying that the idea of going inside doesn't appeal to me at all."

"Don't worry, you won't go in there. Only Lady Valera and I will go. You, Passe, and Verus will stay here and guard the entrance, in case any of those demonic beasts are still around."

After all, taking an expert cleric with you was the best solution if you had to deal with a witch, and the two monsters, as much as they cared about their friend, were more than happy not to have to enter that decidedly threatening cave.

As for Verus, he tried to ask to be allowed in too so he could protect Sylvie, but was eventually persuaded by Daemon to stay behind and assist Drufo and Passe in guarding the entrance.

"These will help us not lose our way." Sylvie said making a couple of magical fires appear, then they both ventured inside.

If the cave might seem small from the outside, once inside the two adventurers immediately realized that it was actually gigantic, and they only had to take a few steps before the light coming from the entrance disappeared, leaving them immersed in almost total darkness.

«Let's walk close to the edge, always keeping one hand leaning against the wall. That way we won't get lost."


Two steps behind Daemon, Sylvie tried to maintain eye contact at all times, but her bulky bishop's robe hampered her movements even more than it had on the way through the swamp.

"Do you think there's another one of those barriers?" Daemon asked seeing that they were getting nowhere, no matter how much they walked.

"I don't think so. But I admit that I had never felt such a great power as what I feel in here. This Witch must really be something out of the ordinary."

Suddenly Sylvie tripped on a slippery rock, and when she got to her feet Daemon seemed gone.

"Master Daemon? Where are you? I don't see you anymore."

"I'm right here, in front of you." she heard in the dark. "My magic light has gone out."

"Stay where you are, I'll join you now."

The girl set off again, still following Daemon's voice who kept talking to her at a distance, telling her that he had found an exit from the cave that had led him to a sort of grassy clearing surrounded by high cliffs.

"Master Daemon, I see a light."

"You're almost there. I'm here waiting for you. Just keep walking."

By the time she reached the exit however, instead of Daemon, Sylvie found herself faced with the startled faces of Drufo, Verus and Passe.

"What are you doing here?"

"What means, what are we doing here?" said the kobold "You told us to keep an eye on the entrance."

"The entrance!? I was walking towards the exit on the other side, and I'm sure I always went straight. We walked for almost an hour."

"An hour!? Lady Valera, you've been in there less than five minutes."

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