chapter 11

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Fang duobing was dead. He so much wants to bury himself six feet underground. He was on the verge of crying, when Li xiangyi continued," Are you really the young master of the Fang family?" When Fang duobing heard that question, he felt a little hurt and was angry. So, he shouted," I'm FANG DUOBING." when Li xiangyi heard that hurt tone, he believed him but still, that was not the answer he was looking for.

" Fang duobing, tell me the truth. You are that person, aren't you?" Li xiangyi questioned him. But Fang duobing didn't say anything. Seeing that he was not getting any reply, Li xiangyi was even more irritated and continued to push Fang duobing with questions. " When you appeared at the Jin manor, you were actually distracting others, so that you can get that plank like thing that is stored with the Opal skull, weren't you? When you mentioned it, I just felt that something was wrong. So, I searched for that skull, and found that there is a small mold beside that. You came for that thing, didn't you?" Li xiangyi asked leaning a little closer to Fang duobing.

Fang duobing didn't know what to feel. Impressed or scared? He signed and said," Senior Li, what are you trying to achieve?" He gave up trying to deny. He was not like that old fox who can spit lies and can create nonsense on the spot. Li xiangyi saw that and asked so many questions.

" Are you really Fang duobing?"

" Yes."

" You are that person in black that day."

" Yes.."

" How can you change your form? Did you use Bone reconstruction pills?"

" No. I can't tell you about it. But it was not because of those pills."

" You also came before two weeks, right? At midnight."

" How did you...."

" I have my ways."


" I've also heard about a doctor that healed your legs. What about him? Is he your sidekick or just someone you hired?"


" Why are you targeting Nanyin treasures? When you broke into Sigumen, you stole the badge of one of the thieves. Coincidentally, they came from the Yipin tomb that belongs to the consort of Nanyin kingdom."

Hearing all of these, Fang duobing know that he can't hide these details. Damn Li xiangyi was so sharp. " Senior Li, I've had my reasons. But you should not know about these things. It's not safe." Fang duobing explained, hoping Li xiangyi will get his message. " Even if you say that, I'm not going to stop my investigations, Fang duobing." Li xiangyi declared. " You are holding so many secrets. I'll find all of them." Hearing this declaration, Fang duobing had a heart attack. I miss senior Yan already!!!  " Senior Li, please don't involve yourself in these things. It's dangerous." Fang was trying to stop Li xiangyi from knowing more but luck is not on his side right now. " If it's so dangerous then my involvement is necessary. You, as a child, was taking risks. With Nanyin kingdom involved, I will not allow it to happen. If you are still being stubborn about not telling me about the details, I have no choice but to inform to your parents." Li xiangyi said or more like blackmailed Fang duobing. " How can you prove that the person in black is me!?" Fang duobing was angry that this person is so stubborn and was not listening to him. 

" The last time you came to Sigumen, I've sprinkled some medicine powder on you. It's undetectable and only these insects can detect it. It belongs to Nanyin which Jin Mantang owned. You are the only person which has that powder." Li xiangyi said. That much says that the proof is not that solid, but it can still arise some troubles for him. Fang duobing can't blow up right from the start. So, he took the risk and asked," Even if you prove that, why are you so hung up on this matter, senior Li?" Li xiangyi looked at him, thinking, why am I so interested in this? I've now known that the person in black is Fang duobing but why am I disappointed by this? Am I hoping that the person to be an adult?  Just then, they heard some footsteps coming to the kitchen. so, Li xiangyi quickly lifted Fang duobing and used his qi to leave the kitchen and came into the garden where were no servants in the evening. He put Fang duobing down and said," Fang duobing, I need to know why you are doing all of these things." Seeing that he was not getting any reply, Li xiangyi was again irritated. He was not known for his patience. But Fang duobing was testing him in all kinds of ways. But then, he felt someone hold his hand. He looked down to see Fang duobing, who was also looking at him with big eyes that are shining but also like a bottomless pool. His anger instanly cooled down. They are so beautiful.  Li xiangyi thought but immediately crossed that thought in his mind. What the hell is he thinking?! 

" Senior Li, please. I'm already involved in this. I don't want anyone else involving. If more people know about this issue, their lives will be in danger. Along with mine, senior Li. Do you want me dead then?" Fang duobing had no other way than this. If he has to lie, then mix some truths in it. Li xiangyi's mind was automatically thinking that Fang duobing was in danger, that's why he was doing these things. But when he heard that broken tone of his, he vaguely realised that he did not want to lose Fang duobing. Never... After a long pause, Li xiangyi finally said," Okay. Since your life is in danger, I won't ask anything." Fang duobing was celebrating inside his head but quickly shot down by Li xiangyi," But I'll help you with this issue, no matter what you say." Li xiangyi firmly said. Fang duobing had no say in this. 

" Okay. But you should be the only one, who know about it. There should be no third person. Even if it is a very important person." Fang duobing said," Do you promise?" Fang duobing lifted his pinky to seal a promise. Li xiangyi looked at Fang duobing's hand and laughed. But still held it with his pinky. Li xiangyi hadn't done this in a while. " But senior Li, I'm still curious. How can you suspect me in the first place?" Fang duobing asked. " Just instincts." Li xiangyi said, not wanting Fang duobing to know that it was because of his scent. Fang duobing nodded. " Fang duobing, you will go the Yipin tomb after this, right?" Li xiangyi asked and seeing Fang duobing's questioning face he continued," You stole the badge. So, you should have some use from it. If not Yipin tomb, I don't know where you can use it." 

Fang duobing just signed and said," Yes. I'll go to Yipin tomb after the banquet." Li xiangyi nodded and said," I'll come with you." Fang duobing was shocked and was about to refuse but Li xiangyi cut him off," You can't stop me from coming Fang duobing. It's my wish to help you. And it's too dangerous for a child like you. Since I'm powerful, I can easily defeat so many enemies." Fang duobing felt that this sentence was filled with pride and arrogance, just like he was when he first met that old fox. But he considerably calmed down after some time.  

He really wants to bury himself six feet underground

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