*Late at Night🌙, in the City🌃downtown*
*12:00 a.m.*
Brainy and Fake Nia were walking in the streets heading home after the movie🎦ended at the *NC Movie Theatre*
"That was the greatest film/movie I have ever seen in the history of cinema! Even in the future," Brainy said ecstatic⚡️with excitement.
"Are you kidding? That was the worst movie ever!!!" Fake Nia said angrily😡then realized what she said and corrected herself knowing that's not what her doppelganger would say😅💬. "What I mean... is that it wasn't the worst move I've seen," she said with a nervous look hoping that Prime Brainy would buy it. "Alright, that's good. I'm glad and happy that I got to see it with you," he said lovely💗with a bright smile😊on his face as they both walked ahead heading home to their apartment. Evil Nia slightly smiles as she thought💭... "This Brainy is a lot different from mine... sure he's selfless, good, and a hero. Which makes me just want to barf, hurl, or gag! But his love❤️for Nia is oddly similar to my Brainy and he would do anything for her. That's what mine used to do for me before he died when my earth was destroyed in the process leaving me the only survivor... Which is why I must see my revenge plan through! I started by ending Prime Brainy's life And I know exactly how to do that." Evil Nia thought💭to herself softly with a wicked smile. "That's odd, Nia doesn't usually say that or act this. She isn't herself! Well, there's only one way to find it... to be sure if it really is my Nia Nal and just something or someone else." Brainy thought💭to himself softly.

Then they both went inside their apartment as Brainy said. "Hey, Nia, Before we get settled in... let me ask you a question. Where and how did we first, meet?" Brainy asked out of curiosity if she'd remember. If her answer is "correct🤩" then it's her💙and he was just overthinking but if she's "wrong😑" that means it's not her. just someone in disguise wearing an image inducer to trick him into thinking💭that it's his girlfriend even when it's obviously not🙄😅. Her eyes widened in shock when he said that and knew she was in trouble if she guessed wrong... also, Prime Brainy was testing her to see if it really was his Nia Nal and not just some pretender! Evil Nia thinks in her mind of how her doppelganger met her Brainy but she doesn't know... just decided to guess based on how she'd met hers. And hoping that she'll get it right and not get busted for not being the real Nia. "Oh, of course, I remember! how could I possibly forget," She laughs nervously while scratching her head. "Which is?..." Brainy said softly eying her while crossing his arms and tapping his foot awaiting her answer. "Oh, yes! That's right, we uh, met at a... rock🎸🎶concert." She answered nervously with a worried look. Brainy sighed as he got closer to her to say💬. "No, not even close... we met at a Pizza Place and you defended me from getting hit by the owner when my image inducer malfunctioned... and you said to him in my defense: "You need to back off. Did I stutter? I said back off. you, sir, are the traitor. Now, give him his pizzas" after that, you told me "A true friend will accept you for who you truly are" an Alien that you didn't know... you stood up for me that day because you knew that it wasn't right! But you wouldn't know anything about that... The real Nia would never forget that and that's how I know you're not her. so, who are you really?" Brainy said stating the facts & the truth of her not being the
Nia Nal he knows and loves❤️. Evil Nia sighed taking a deep breath knowing that her cover was blown. "Okay, fine, you got me! I'm not the Nia you know. I'm her doppelgänger an evil version so to speak, I came here around the same time your doppelgängers did." Evil Nia said dramatically explaining who she really was while holding a kitchen knife🔪behind her back in her hand ready to stab Prime Brainy into his chest right where his heart💚is...

Brainy sensed that as he immediately grabbed it from her then threw the knife across the room landing on the wooden floorboard. And
He said💬. "You're Nia's doppelganger? I knew it!!" Brainy said ecstatically⚡️glad he was right. "Wow, you're good. I guess you really are a 12th-level intellect... but not as smart as my Brainy was on my earth🌍before it got destroyed during Crisis!" Evil Nia shouted out wanting revenge on Brainy Prime and the rest of the Superfriends for the cause of her home being destroyed and obliterated out of existence. "You must've been..." Brainy paused softly then Evil Nia finished interrupting him to say💬. "Monitoring Nia's life... Yes, how do you think I got the dream powers? I stole an ounce of dream🌀energy✨from your Nia's body when I knocked her out..." She said stating the fact about her taking over Prime Nia's life ever since yesterday. Brainy gasped when Nia's evil doppelganger said that as he said back at her. "Where is she? Tell me Now! So, I won't have to fight you," He said out loud. She chucked evilly with a wicked smile as she said. "Fight me? Oh, please trust me you don't want to fight me... Prime Brainy, you'll lose in seconds." Evil Nia said while stating the reasons why he couldn't win or beat her. We'll see about that, just tell me what you did to my girlfriend!" Brainy shouted out. "Gladly, you see in order to trick you and your friends into thinking💭that I was her... so I kidnapped her and took your Nia to a secret location. But do not worry, she's safe. Just can't breathe or move... and she'll be dead within an hour or two," she said villainously with an evil look. Brainy's eyes widened in shock😨as his
heart💚began beating fast from the thought of his Nia Nal being in pain and close to dying. "What?" he said softly in fear. "That's right! I gave her Naltorian🌀poisoning🧪," she said evilly and admitted that she poisoned the real Nia. This led to Brainy feeling rage and then quickly reacted by punching👊💥her knocking Evil Nia out unconsciously😵on the floor. Then, he took her to the DEO for questioning and told the team about it as they locked her up in a cell wanting answers about where their Nia was and the antidote when they find🔎her...

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