Its been ages

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A/n: this chapter might be a bit sad so if you need to you can skip it
TW: mentions of death
Wilbur's pov:
I was sitting in my room. I heard footsteps come up the stairs. I knew lily had been relaxing in the living room, watching YouTube. "Will" she asked as she opened my door, "yeah kid" I asked, "where did techno go?" She asked. I hadn't told her that techno passed because she had already gone through so much and her and techno were really close, "he is taking a break, remember" I said, "yeah but you never talk to him, since his birthday, it's been ages" she said, "can you ask him how floof is", "okay, I will now" I smiled. She then left. I burst out In tears. I felt bad for not telling her but she was only 5.
About an hour later, I was still in my room when I heard Lily cry. I ran downstairs and saw her crying. She had so long nerds on the tv, "Lily" I cried, "he died" she said, through the tears. I hugged her, "I didn't want to tell you since mum and dad just passed" I sighed, "what about floof" she sobbed, "floof is okay, I promise" I said. She was still crying, "techno was very sick, remember how he lost his hair, it was from him being very sick" I said, "did he say anything about me" she asked, "no, he was with his family during his last few days, I didn't want you to watch this video so you wouldn't know" I said, "it came on" she sniffed. "Okay, why don't you go to bed, it's 9pm"

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