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We walked into their room and saw everyone there. Tubbo and aimsey were standing in the middle of the room, "Lily" they smiled. Lily ran up to them and tubbo held her in his arms, "hey kiddo" aimsey smiled, "let's head to breakfast" mark smiled. I held onto Lily's hand and the others walked around us. We walked down to the lobby and saw fans screaming, "how did they know" Lily asked, "doxxers" I sighed, "who are those" lily asked. I saw her turn around, "they are mean people who are very nosy" I said, "ohhhh" lily smiled. I picked her up and I got photos with everyone, "none with lily" a teen girl said. She hit Lily's leg, "ow" she cried, "hey" I shouted. She hit her again, harder this time, "WHAT THE FUCK" a teen girl cried, "quit hitting her she is 5". Security pulled the girl away. Lily was crying, "it's okay" I said, reassuring her. "What happened" Phil cried, "a girl hit lily twice for being in her picture" I said as we walked into the dining hall. "You okay?" Phil asked. Lily nodded. I sat her down and grabbed her two pancakes, "okay, at 3pm I have to go, it's 9am so we have a few hours then it's only Friday and the flight is Sunday at 11pm, Lily has school on Monday" I said, "no" she said, "yes" I said. She rolled her eyes.
After breakfast, we decided to split up, "okay so me, Tommy, lily, tubbo and phil are gonna go together then mark, ash, joe and ranboo will go together and we meet 2:30pm at the hotel" I said. Everyone nodded then we split up.
We first went into build a bear.
"FROG" lily cried, "yeah, do you want that" I asked. She nodded. I handed one to her then we went over to the clothes. She chose out a pink dress and a tiara.
"Hi kid" a woman smiled. "Hand the lady your froggy" I said, "thank you" the woman smiled. I bent down to Lily, "do you have a name" I asked, "Wilby" she smiled, "wilby" I said, "after you" she smiled. The woman smiled, "okay, do what I say" the woman smiled handing Lily a heart. As lily copied the woman, I took out my phone and got a video and pictures. After Lily was done we waited for Wilby then we filled out the  birth certificate.
"There you go kid" the woman smiled. I payed for the frog and we left, "look" lily smiled at the others, "what's their name" aimsey asked, "WILBY" she cried. Aimsey smiled. "Don't cry" i mouthed to Phil, who was obviously almost crying. Tommy picked her up, "you are very strong" he smiled, "I know" she smiled. Tommy looked at me. I rubbed my eyes. We then went into the Disney store, "LILY" I laughed as she ran to the Disney princess section. I saw her staring at a Cinderella dress, "okay, let's but this" I smiled. I picked it up and she ran over to the Cinderella doll. She picked it up, "you are lucky I'm rich" i laughed, "BLUEY" Lily cried. Aimsey looked over as Lily took a massive bluey teddy, "no lily, to big choose 3 small ones"I said walking over. She chose, bluey, bingo and bandit, "chillie?" She asked, "okay" I smiled. We then payed. "Can I have a bag" I smiled. I was given a large bag.

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