Chapter three

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The water was still and peaceful around Mike. He was floating on the lake, in an attempt to calm his nerves. He couldn't comprehend how much he missed Will, until he thought about the chance to be alone with him again. He still hated the fact that he would have these thoughts about Will, but he tried to ignore them because of how amazing he felt when with Will. He watched the sky, finding different shapes in the clouds while waiting for Will. The sky was still that afternoon and Mike was enjoying how the sun landed on his skin. 
There was a sudden splash behind him. It was big enough to shock Mike into no longer being able to keep himself afloat and he was engulfed by the water. He felt the fast, overwhelming sensation of drowning, but only for a second. He was quickly lifted up from sinking and he did not realise how until he balanced himself in the water and saw Will standing in front of him. He looked perfect, his hair was wet and slicked back, there were also small water droplets dripping from his lip that brought more attention to them and Mike could not look away.

"Are you okay? Oh my- I'm sorry! I'm really-" Will started urgently rambling to Mike

"Hi," Mike said, cutting into Will's apologies with a big, dopey smile on his face.

"Hi," Will said, smiling back and relaxing at the sight of Mike's smile. "Are you really okay?" Will asked, Mike boded in response. Will then brought his hand up to Mike's face, swiping hair out of his eyes, "How can you see through all that hair," Will asked, chuckling.

Mike was stunned by this sudden contact and stood frozen in time for a moment before clearing his throat and replying, "What, you don't like it?" Mike said with a smirk.

"No, I like it," Will replied, twisting a strand of Mike's hair before pulling away.

They swam around the lake together, laughing and splashing about without stressing the growing pressures of being a teenager. The water was cold against Mike's bare chest, but he didn't mind. He didn't really notice the cold, especially when he tackled Will into the water, holding the other boy's body close. Will always seemed to retain heat and Mike loved it.

"Want to jump off that rock together?" Mike asked, pointing to the small cliff, it wasn't big enough to cause harm, but local teens liked it for its thrill.

The two boys walked the small track to the top of the rock, both grinning wide and continuously laughing. It was a perfect day, Mike thought. They reached the top of the cliff, Will's hand reached out and held onto Mike's and he gave a squeeze in response, he felt warm on the inside from the gesture. They had an unspoken rule that they had to jump together, so they both started running at the same time. Neither of them minded the feeling of rock under their feet, they also didn't mind that their hands were still in a tight grasp together. The moment their feet left the ground it felt like time had stopped, paused so Mike could remember this moment forever. It did seem paused, but in reality, the moment was fast and adrenaline-filled. They both then crashed hard into the water. Their time underwater truly did feel like an eternity, it gave Mike enough time to take in the beauty that was Will Byers. He watched as Will slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the water. Will's eyes fixated on Mike and they stayed there in that perfect moment together. Mike could see the muscles on Will's arms work hard trying to keep him underwater. He wasn't sure when, or if, Will had started working out, but he was noticeably strong, something Mike admired about him. Eventually, they both had to come up for air, Mike gasped as his head broke through the top of the water. They were both panting, heads above water, still quietly admiring each other. It was times like this that made Mike wonder if Will could ever love him back.

After that, they both swam to the edge of the lake and walked over to where Mike had set up an unofficial picnic. They dug into the food, both hungry after swimming. Mike had bought an odd assortment of things from his pantry. Poptarts, a jar of peanut butter with a spoon in it, and half an uncut watermelon, he really had no idea what was meant to go into a picnic, but Will still enjoyed it. When Will had finished eating he had decided to lay back on the blanket, Mike followed his lead and laid down beside him. Their bodies were close, legs and shoulders lightly touching, the feeling gave Mike a thrill. He loved moments like this, they were calm and pleasant compared to how he spent his time alone.

I Wish I Was Born A Girl So I Could Love You - bylerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant