Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


Fun was an understatement. This was exhilarating! I probably looked like a mad woman continuously beating the Santers with their dead corpses. I thought about how easy it was to kill these creatures once I started switching up spells. A simple binding spell kept one in place as I sliced it apart to use its limbs to beat the other until it stopped moving.

"Adai, do you need help?" I called while turning towards her as I noticed she had taken down the Gourit, but the two remaining Santers were just hovering near each other. They slowly linked tentacles while physically merging before becoming an even bigger Santer. "Ah fuck." Adai's earlier warning now made sense. I shook my head as something wrapped around my ankles before yanking me into the air. As I was pulled through the air, I realized that damn creature had wrapped its tentacle around me without looking in my general direction. "Shit!" I screamed as Adai frantically snapped her jaws at the Santer who dodged each of her attempts. I had mistaken these creatures for being stupid but they were really smart.

As the Santer hung me from my ankles, I could feel my forgotten necklace began to slide down as I quickly clutched it against my chest, the soft thumping vibrating through me. I closed my eyes while slowing my breath and thinking about my mom and her sweet words.

"There'll be a day when I won't be by your side anymore." She had said while brushing back my hair. At the time, I was five and had just gotten home from school. "There'll be a time when you feel stuck, like there's no way out. That this will be the end." She gently parted my hair before braiding it. "But, you must fight even if you are tired. You are strong and we are warriors. You are my fire, Nuri." She softly smiled while showing me the long braid she had finished while kissing my head. At the time, I didn't know what she was talking about but as I grew older, I understood. I was my mom's fire. I was the warrior she raised. I was strong.

A loud roar filled the air as the Santer released my ankles just as I snapped my eyes open. I was falling towards its gaping mouth as I smiled, feeling the flames swirl through me before it morphed into one large dragon made out of fire with myself in the center. "Got ya!" I smiled as my new creation went smashing into the Santer, spraying dust, sand, and bits of the creature into the air.

"Nuri!" Adai's frantic voice called out as the dust began to slowly settle. "Groan if you can hear me!" She instructed as I slowly stood from the carcass before raising my hand over my head. The fire swirled around me slowly as I could hear Adai switch her direction quickly and head my way. "Are you okay? Any broken bones? Cuts? Fractures?" She quickly shot off when she found me. She quickly searched for any noticeable wounds but I shook my head while peeling off bits of the Santer from my hair and clothes.

"No, I'm fine. I just feel icky." I groaned as she stared at me before pulling me into a hug while laughing. Unsure of why she was laughing, I hugged her back. "What's that for?"

"I thought you got hurt! Before the sand kicked up, I saw you go through the entire Santer!" She exclaimed, both in shock and disbelief as I nodded, faintly remembering any of my surroundings. "But, that was amazing!"

"That was reckless!" The usual pain in my ass yelled as wind blew past us, quickly clearing the dust. "We can't take this back to the tribe in the state that it's in!" He screamed while motioning around at the scattered pieces of Santer littering all around us. He went on and on about more shit as Adai started to help me pick the stuff out of my hair.

"Okay." I smiled while finally looking over at him and the rest of the group as they glanced around us in surprise. "Shouldn't you and your group be making your camp or something?" I questioned while scanning the sand for my bag that was further away than before. Quickly jogging over to it, I wasn't surprised that the contents of my bag were scattered amongst the sand or the fact that my meat bars were gone. Looking back at the group, I caught the smug looks of the males as I started to gather my things back inside my bag. Adai came over and helped me with the rest before we both stood up. Adjusting the bag on my back once again, I walked back over to the Santer I had destroyed before pulling off a loose tentacle and turning back to Adai who had followed me.

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