Liams school, Valeteria!

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But then I  ran into someone.... I looked up and he had just a towel on around his waist.... but since I was on the ground I could see....... Emmm how do I put this? Everything.

Saphys POV (back in reality)

I could see EVERYTHING! What do I do now? I'm just sitting here like some freak staring at his.....'thing'.

So I scooted out from under 'there' and I  looked up at the owner of the 'thing'. Oh. My. Gawd. It was Liam yah yeh know the boy who I was suppose to be going on a date with later? I was still on the ground staring at him with him staring at me back.

He started to smile, then it turned into a HUGE smile, then he fell on his knees histerical with laughter. "Wha-What the He-Hell are you laughing at?" I said stuttering, because I was afraid of what was gonna happen next. "You--were sitting--there staring at my dick----that whole freaking time---" he said in between fits of laughter.

"N-No I wa-wasn't" I said..... lying, because I kinda was and now it was turning me on but its not like I'm dating Liam or anything....right?

"Yeah yah were your such a bad liar! It's fine I won't tell anyone" he said winking at me. Why is he winking at me! I looked away probably looking ashamed. "So what are you doing here? Last I knew this wasn't your school now was it? Or are you transferring here?" He said looking kind of hopeful.

"No I'm not transferring here" I said standing up now. "Although it would be a good oportunity to bug you, but I'm here well yeah to bug your brains out before our "date"" I said putting air quotes around the word "date".

"Oh, hey wanna skip class?" In my mind I was thinking HELL YEAH! But then I was like "Nah I wanna see if I can trick your teachers into thinking I'm a new student that they weren't aware of." I said starting to laugh.

Then I noticed how he was still only in his towel. He must have noticed me checking him out because this is what he said "Want me to go to class with just a towel on?" he said laughing again.

"Ye-" I started to say but then realized I was saying it out loud "Na-No!"

He started laughing again and I started blushing. "Well I am going to go change feel free to join me if you like" he said walking away. I just stood there in the doorway of theboys locker room feeling awkward, I mean...... I saw his dick. Thats just not right.

He came back out a few minutes later with a black tight fitting V-Neck and a pair of dark jeans I guess the dress code didn't apply to him. He looked really hot I giggled and he stared at me questioningly. "Nothing" I said smiling we started walking down hallways that were empty now.

"So what class are we headed to?" I asked wondering which teacher I had to fool first, School was almost over but I still wanted to mess with at least 1 teacher. "That one cooking class, thing that you like cook in" wow he was a smart one I thought to myself.

"Home ec.?" I asked "YEAH that one!" he said, wow not the sharpest crayon in the box. "Wow, do you even go to your classes?" I asked seriously. "Sometimes....." he said and I started giggling.

We reached a door that he opened with very powerful strength, like he was trying to knock it down or something. Everyone stared bug eyed at us, well mostly me. Dang the teacher even stared bug eyed at him. I knew that Liam was a wolf because Ashen told me when we ate dinner the other day.

"Liam yo-your late" his teacher said while gulping. "Yeah I know, so what about it? By the way this is Saphy she's new remember to register her and a guy my age named Ashen later." He said WAIT he just registered me here at this school! What about Katie! I guess I could tell him to register her later, because he was scaring me right now and I wasn't about to refuse something from a wolf who looked furious.

"Will do" said his teacher who is a guy about middle aged and really ugly. Liam grabbed my hand and started dragging me to a seat next to him so I sat down. Damn, all these wolf men are so touchy touchy and grabby grabby.

The lesson went on, after school ended (which went by fast because that was actually the last class) Liam looked more cheerful and back to his normal self. "So what the hell was all that about?" I asked him seriously starting to wonder if he was bi-polar or something. "I rule the school, no teacher is going to boss me around, I OWN the teachers there just middle aged losers."

"Oh" I said hopping into his car, which is actually a pretty AWESOME car!

Then he suddenly, OUT OF NOWHERE (trust me I wasn't expecting this)

Kissed me! Like full out like NOT on the cheek! ON THE LIPS! I wasn't exactly about to refuse a kiss from a hot boy. So I kissed him back, we were really getting into it now, like REALLY getting into it.

We moved to the back seat for more space. We started getting a little 'handsy'. Which is when we saw.................Ashen.

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