Chapter 1 // Meeting

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Belarus P O V

I walk into the UN office room to see UN holding a whole stack of nametags. He was placing them on desks.

"What are you doing?" Russia asked, quietly. I quickly gripped his hand. I don't know why I do this a lot. UN looked up and smiled. "You're early. And I'm making a seating plan." Russia made a quiet groan and my eyes widened. I wasn't comfortable sitting away from Russia. 

"Sit down, you two. Russia, you sit beside Canada and Japan. Belarus, you sit on the edge beside USA," I groan. I hated him. He called me a lot of names and he was super annoying. Russia goes over and sits down in his spot, and so do I. Right when I sit down, Canada and America appear in the doorway. 

"You are late," UN says to both of them. Then he nods at me, "These two were the only ones on time though," 

"Come on!" USA rolls his eyes. "It's only 3 minutes!" 

"You know my rule," UN shakes his head. "You have to be at least 2 minutes early at minimum,"

"We'll try, boss," Canada smiles, trying to lighten the mood. I liked her better than America but still, she was Ame's sister.

UN smiles at being called 'boss'. His favourite name was 'sir' which Russia called him. USA normally calls him 'old man' or 'man' or something stupid. 

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

The meeting -which I was not paying attention to- was slowly turning into chaos. USA fell backwards from his chair, Britain spilt his tea on France's papers, Japan screamed when she found North Korea holding a spider over her head. UN had stopped his presentation and was watching all of this, hoping it will be over soon. 

Russia was covering his ears at Japan's scream, because he has very sensitive hearing. Like if you whisper something and you're across the room from him, he'll hear everything you said.  Ukraine was blushing, well she was sitting next to her crush, of course she was blushing. Poland tapped her shoulder and whispered something in her ear, and her eyes widened and she nodded. 

Everything was getting louder and and louder, it was starting to give me a headache. I stood up, not exactly sure what my brain was deciding to do and screamed, "CAN EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP!" I blushed as I sat down. 

My words were effective though. It was like I just froze time. All the shouting and screaming stopped, and everyone automatically stared at UN like they were all going to die. 

"Thank you, Belarus," UN looked as if he might faint. "I have some news to tell you. Whether you've heard this from a friend of a friend, or you haven't heard of this at all, it is very important."

All the countries stared at each other, wondering what the news will be. UN cleared his throat, then started speaking again. "There's a new murderer in town. Someone has been murdered two days ago."

"Who?" America asked, without raising his hand. UN let out a sigh and said, "Laos,"

Vietnam let out a scream at his name. "HE'S DEAD?" UN nodded, looking sympathatic for her.  Vietnam let out a small whimper, and with that, Thailand went over to comfort her.

"We still don't have any suspects." UN looks all around then adds, "The murderer seems to bite their victims. They seem to have sharp teeth," With that he looks at Germany, Russia, China, and North. 

"Why are you looking at me for?" North threatens. "Just because I have sharp teeth doesn't mean that-"

NATO suddenly bursts through the door. "I want," He looks down at a piece of paper he was holding. "China, Finland, Germany, Japan, North, and Russia." Then he looks around the room. "For questioning," 

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