Chapter 2 // Any Questions?

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Russia P O V

I want you to know something. I'm not like the Russian government. The government is my shadow and my reflection in the mirror. I am the Russian citizens that live here. That's why I'm different from other countryhumans. My shadow can speak to me in my mind, and sometimes, when my mind is weak, it can control me. 

That's what lead me to invade Ukraine. I didn't want to. My government did. That's why I've also devloped a fear of NATO. He scares me. That's why when my name was called, I was scared. He was probably going to find a way to make me guilty for the death. He was programmed to be against me, after all. 

As we walked out of the UN office room, China looked up at me. "Hey, I'm honest right now, I didn't do anything this time. Did you?" He whispered. But before I could reply, NATO barked," No talking. Stay SILENT." I sigh, looking at the walls of the hallway, realising my hands were shaking.

(I lost the symbol for the time skip lol- so here) --------

"Russia," NATO looked at me. Me and him were facing each other in his office. Everyone had been questioned. I pretty sure he saved me for last.

"Where were you during 6:00-8:00 p.m. two days ago?" 

"Erm... at my house, doing the paperwork UN gave me." I pause. "Then at 6:37, I went out for a walk, then I came home around 6:50 for dinner,"  

"Where did you go for the walk?"

"The forest behind our house?" 

"The murder happened in a forest." He scribbled something in his notebook then said," Come with me. I need to have a sample of your teeth."


There were gloves in my mouth. I felt like I was about to gag. "Almost done, okay?" I heard Austria's voice confort me. Fianally, feeling like I was about to throw up, the hands came out of my mouth. "C-can I have some water please?" I murmur, feeling dizzy. "Here," Austria smiles, handing me a glass of water. As soon as I feel the water touch my lips, I realize it isn't water.

I feel my vision black out, and I collaspe onto the bed.


I blink, feeling my vision adjust to the countries that were staring down at me. China turned around and exclaimed,"Austria, he woke up, you can tell us now!" I sit up, realizing everyone looked either nervous or scared. And Vietnam was here too. Austria came over, looking at me like she felt sorry for me. "Alright.." 

"This research is something you all have in common, and this research may come to you as a shock." Austria nodded at us, and everyone looked confused.

"I have examined your teeth to find out that.."


(A day before)

Canada P O V

Walking on the slightly snowy streets, alone this time. Normally America would be there to accompany me, but he said he had work to do, but that was a lie. He was definetely going to confess to his crush, Philippines. I'm pretty sure he also was going to take her on a date -if she accepted, of course- to that fancy cafe with all his money that he saved. 

Let's be real, I've had a slight crush on someone since I was like 6, but I've never had the courage to confess. I'm also sure America won't approve of him, and he's a very quiet person, so how am I supposed to confess, fellow girls?

Suddenly I bump into somebody on the streets. I look up to see who it is and they look at me. "Oh, sorry Canada!" It's Russia. His face reddens a little. No, he probably doesn't like me it's just that he's very socially awkward and he feels uncomfortable talking. (Ukraine told me all that.)

I smile. Normally, the other person would be the one who bumps into me but yet I'm the one who says sorry, now it's the other way around. "No, I'm sorry," 

Russia doesn't seem to know how to respond. So he smiles with his teeth and turns around to leave. "Wait!" I screech. He turns around. "Y-yeah?" I stare at his teeth, remembering something.

The murderer has sharp teeth, right? Well Russia teeth.. were also sharp.. 

"Y-You just got braces?" I lie. I hope that was true, I normally didn't stare at his teeth but..

"Uh, yeah," He covers his mouth slightly with his hand. "I hoped no one would notice."

"Oh nice!" I fake a smile. "See you later then." The Russian waves slightly, then we walk our seperate ways. "Coolio." I whisper under my breath. 

After walking for some time, I pull out my phone and call UN. "Hello? I-I think Russia may have done the murder."

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