part 20

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Hellloooooo all,
So just remember, both harini and Sanjay are chatting, where they are sharing their childhood memories.

Sanjay: Once I was in hostel, i just forgot my bag in class itself. So, i thought of getting it from there, where I'm on my way, the warden questioned me, why am I roaming and without listening to me, he beaten me black and blue.

Harini: That's bad as shit, then what happened?

Sanjay: I was kept in a large dark room for a day, they just feed me with food and I was all alone there

Harini : didnt you shout?

Sanjay : I was scared but i didn't shouted

Harini ; This makes me cry and feel sorry for you.

Sanjay : hey now I'm good, leave it and don't feel bad.

Harini : still....

Do support guys,

I just thought that we can't easily share our every childhood memories and we share some memories with our love. And here Sanjay is doing that.

C'mon keep sharing your unsaid or must say memories in comments.

Until then,
Bye from Dreamers 🤍

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