You are such a Tease

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The days till the event went in a blur, they were more of exploring, playing with Yeontan and trying dresses. Taehyung would always be in a meeting. You even wondered if he ever felt tired. Sometimes you even noticed people going in the office but never coming out. You wanted to ask but you never questioned it though.

You had to admit that Taehyung had a great fashion sense. He'd sent you a bunch of dresses to your room, the day before the event. They were all either slightly short or blatantly explicit. All were in colours of red and black or either both. You had Jungkook to help you pick out the right dress as he knew where the event was. He was the only person you can talk to in this whole house, you saw Jungkook more often than you saw Taehyung. You tried hard to pry the event out of him but he was under Taehyung's order to not to say anything about it to you. You tried many dresses, doing a mini fashion show for Jungkook to decide on the dress. Lastly, you both agreed on a red short dress.

Jungkook told you to be ready till 8 pm. So, you decided to take a quick shower before slipping on the dress just half an hour before the event. The dress was beautiful, ending just above your knees, highlighting your curves, spaghetti straps holding the dress. You did your quick simple makeup before slipping on the heels. Looking at the mirror for the one last time, you smiled to yourself, feeling confident and amazing.

You were looking beautiful. As Taehyung must've thought so too as his eyes widened seeing you, filling with what could be only lust.

He knew the dresses he had sent would look good but this, this was beyond anything. His eyes were trailing up and down your body. He almost felt the urge to not bring you with him. He felt something, something that he hadn't felt before, no it wasn't love, he felt the need to protect you from all the bad things out there. He didn't want to let you go.

"We ready to go, dear husband?" waving your hands in front of him, pulling him out from his daze "My face's up here."

He didn't even tried to hide the fact that he had been checking you out minutes ago.

"Yeah, let's go."

He was looking attractive too. Wearing a simple black dress pant and a white shirt, you admit he looked hot but he didn't need to know that.

The sight in front of you made your eyes widen in surprise and pure horror. "A brothel!? You brought me to a fucking brothel" you exclaimed. You were yelling on top of your lungs but fortunately for Taehyung, your voice was drowned by the loud music. "Taehyung, no, I don't wanna go in" you shook your head "I mean are you serious? Why'd you bring me here?"

You didn't like any of it. The loud music, flashing lights and not to mention the girls here wearing next to nothing. People really started to notice two of you, pointing at you and whispering to each other. You felt exposed in front of men who were eyeing you up and down as if you are their meal. Maybe that's why you stayed close to Taehyung, trying to hide behind him. In any other situation, you'd have wanted to stay away from this man but today no. You felt safe with him. Taehyung noticed it too, men scanning your body hungrily, ignoring the mafia next to you, who practically was hidden underneath his arms. You didn't like too much attention on yourself and you couldn't help it, being with Taehyung.

"I am serious. I have to make an appearance here, darling. If you want you can and sit in the car, I am sure the driver wouldn't mind" he shrugged casually. If he wanted he could easily have driver sent you home but he wanted you there, by his side. And he got what he wanted.

"Ughh! Don't call me that or I swear I'll-"

"Taehyung!" a boy with plump lips spoke. A sinister smile plastered on his face. A one that reminded you of Mr.Kim.

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