☆Chapter one☆

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- deadnameing

Date: 9/3/2024
Location: Oregon,Seaside,US

BEEP BEEP BEEP Elizabeth grabs her phone turning off her alarm she sits up moving some of her messy hair out of her face she groans flopping backwards it's her first day of highschool and being a trans girl doesn't help plus the fact she has no friends and that shes in a whole different country Elizabeth gets out of bed and gets dressed she puts her hair in a high Pony then shoves her black boots on laceing them up she runs downstairs her parents sitting on the couch her mom smiles at her
"you look so pretty sweetie my little girl is alll grown up" she says dramatically clutching her chest Elizabeth smiles awkwardly and quickly walks out the door and starts walking to seaside highschool she sees a group of kids walking on the sidewalk next to her they were laughing and it looked like they were really good friends she sighed looking at the ground as she continued walking

"guys were highschoolers now isn't that totally crazy!" Zayden says making a blowing up motion with there hands
"dude you know the first year of highschool is always the worst" frankie says
"aww babe lighten up quite being so moody" Sage says
"yeah man we're trying to give out good vibes plus we're like the most popular kids in school " Zayden says as they ruffle Frankie's hair
"Yeah we're the most popular because everyone hates us" he says the others just continue to talk about whatever comes to mind meanwhile he sees someone out the corner of his eye turning his head he sees a ginger girl walking on the other side of the side walk he's never seen her before he wonders if she's a freshmen too they all finally get to the school just in time

Elizabeth finds her locker and struggles to get it open she gives up slamming her head against the locker then she hears giggling she turns her head seeing a kid with red and brown hair standing next to her "Hey need help?" They ask she nods they open it with ease "ta da " they say opening the locker door
"ah thank you" Elizabeth says starting to put her books inside
"woah you're not from around here are you?" They ask
"Oh um yeah I'm not I'm from England I moved here last summer" she says they nod looking Elizabeth up and down she tensed up
"Yeah I could tell by the accent plus the fact that I know pretty much everyone around here and I've never seen you before....anyways I'm Zayden" they say Elizabeth smiled "I'm Elizabeth" she says closing her locker door just then another person comes running over almost tackleing zayden to the ground
"oOoOOooO~ who's this lovely lady?" The girl asks zayden rolls there eyes "this is Elizabeth there from England and there new here Elizabeth this is ezra" zayden says Elizabeth smiles at her
"nice to meet you both" she says erza laughs
"yeah you too Hey can I call you lizzy or smth Elizabeth is a pretty long name" she asks Elizabeth nods
"I don't mind" she says just then the bell rings
"well see you around lizzy" zayden says as they both walk away
"uh yeah see you" Elizabeth says as she starts to walk through the crowded halls to her first class sitting down in the back next to a boy with teal and brown hair he smiled at her before looking forward back at the teacher.

It was lunchtime now Lizzy walked into the cafeteria looking around she didn't know where to sit and was to shy to talk to people she honestly was considering eating lunch in the bathroom untill "New girl over here" a voice called lizzy turned her head towards the noise seeing the boy from her first period and a girl she hadn't seen before she walked over
"um hello" she said
"Hey sit with us I'm Sage I'm friends with zayden and erza they'll be here soon" Sage says Elizabeth nods sitting next to the boy "Oh and this is my pookie frankie" Sage says patting Frankie's head
"don't call me that weirdo" frankie says Sage rolls her eyes
"well it's nice to meet you both I'm Elizabeth" she says frankie looks at her studying her almost
"Hey your the girl who sits next to me in first period right?" He asks Elizabeth nods
"Yeah that's me hahaaha" she's so awkward it's not even funny
"cool accent by the way your uh British right?" Sage says
"yeah I'm from England more specifically london" Elizabeth says just as Ezra and Zayden arive
"Oh hey lizzy" Zayden says sitting down next to her
"guys lizzy is officially the new member of the friend group!" Ezra says
"cool" Sage replies the rest of lunch was spent talking and getting to know each other Elizabeth was happy she had finally made some friends who seemed genuine

Sage,ezra and frankie were waiting for the two other members of there group so they could all walk home together finally zayden and lizzy show up
"what took you two so long?" Frankie asks
"the teacher was being annoying saying 'the bell doesn't dismiss you' bitch how about you try and dismiss these hands" Zayden says they all laugh and start walking home Elizabeth gets home she was the first stop she waved goodbye to her new friends and walked inside her house her father was sitting on the couch her mother was in the kitchen "Hey sweetie how was the first day?" She asks Elizabeth as she walks into the living room "um it was good I uh made some new friends" she says her mom smiles hugging her "I'm so happy for you el" she pulls away "so did you meet any cute girls?" Her father asks "Oh no dad I'm not into girls....I've said this before" Elizabeth says instantly regretting it "So your gay? I thought you were straight jeez make up your mind" he says
"no im still straight because I am a girl who likes boys" she says her dad scoffs
"we're gonna laugh about this at your wedding ****** " he says Elizabeth frowns
"Ben! Would you just fuck off" her mom says and then a fight erupts Elizabeth quickly makes her way into her room locking the door she looks in the mirror taking her hair down she watches the tears fall down her face just as she flinched from a loud slam of a door most likely her dad storming out of the house followed by her mom knocking on her door Elizabeth quickly wipes her tears opening her door her mom standing there " I'm so sorry el you didn't deserve that" she says.

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