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I will add some characters for temporary roles.

So, now the trip is going towards the end. And finale race is on now.

Total 8 contestants left and 6 will be in finale so 2 more eliminations will be done announced by Rohit Shetty.

Now 8 contestants are ---


Mohit became the first final elimination now. The second elimination will be done from Jannat and Rubina.

Any one from them will be eliminated. So a task is given to them and on the basis of result of this task winner and loser will be chosen.

Jannat and Rubina both failed to do that task, so now they have to compete with each other in non official competition.

Which is gonna be held in sports Hall tomorrow.

Both of them Jannat and Rubina are nervous. But faisal calm Jannat he told her that she is more active and stamina wise stronger than Rubina.

So she will win the competition. But nobody knows that what kinda competition gonna held between them.

Next morning,

All of them gathered in sports hall. And waiting for the announcement of the game.

Rohit came finally after 10 minutes wait.

Rohit : hello everyone.

Everyone : hii sir, good morning.

Rohit : good morning. I hope you two are ready for competition Jannat and Rubina?

Jannat : yes sir I am ready

Rubina : yes sir.

Rohit : great girls, remember whoever will lose or won't compete will go back to India from here only with Mohit.

Both girls nodded.

Jannat : I will do my best sir.

Rubina : but what is the competition sir?

Rohit : before I announce the competition, I want two male contestants for this competition. Who will help these girls.

All guys raise their hand to offer help.

Rohit : relax guys, listen to me.... It's not gonna be easy to help them, might be you feel disgusting later. So think about it first.

Stay tuned.

Which one you prefer Pratik or faisal? Or any other boy!!

Jannat in Cape Town 🔞 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora