chapter 33

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Paris Pov
5 days later

today i had my first doctors appointment and the day i'm supposed to meet his mom. i was waiting on Dave to come pick me up to take me and no i didn't want him to. honestly i didn't want to be around him at all

so since we were going to his mom house right after my doctors appointment i decided to wear something cute and simple (outfit in MM)

knock knock

i went to open the door to see Dave

"you ready" he asked

"you could've texted i know my way outside" i said with an attitude before walking out behind him locking my door

on the way to the appointment the drive was quiet other than the radio playing

"Paris" he said making me take my airpods out to put them in my ear

i saw him in the corner of my eye clench his jaws. i knew i was starting to get to him but i don't care. he did this not me

A few mins later

we were now pulling up to the clinic and i got out leaving him behind. once i made it inside i went to the front desk to sign in and sat down until they called my name

after waiting for like 10 minutes they called me to the back

I got up followed the doctor and Dave was right behind me

after the appointment

we were now leaving the building and going to the truck. we both got in and i out my airpod's in only for them to be snatched back out

"what the fuck" i said looking at him

"you gone chill with this fucked up ass attitude. i know you're mad and i apologize. yea i got you pregnant on purpose and you hate me for it but you made me do it"

"the fuck you mean i made you do it"

"when you said you didn't want my baby"

"are you dumb bro" i said looking at him

"i was trying to prove a point that's it"

"BY PUTTING A FUCKING BABY IN ME" i yelled making him clench his jaws again

"Paris you better calm the fuck down" he said calmly making me sit back in my seat

"what's done is done we keeping this baby and if you even think about getting rid of it i will hurt you"

i looked at him trying not to cry

Dave Pov

we were pulling up to my moms crib and before we got out i had to let her know what was up

"when we get in here at least act like you're happy smile and talk to people"

"whatever" she said getting out the truck

i walked up to her and yanked her arm but not to hard

"chill with this attitude bro" i said lowly so only she could hear

"okay" she said giving me a fake smile and pulling away

we went through the front door and the first person noticed me was my aunt

"hey nephew how you been" she said giving me a hug

"i been good where's ma" i asked

"she's in the kitchen" she said

i went to the kitchen with Paris behind me. i walked up behind my momma and put my hands over her eyes

"if you don't get your motherfuc-"

"chill ma it's me" i said laughing cutting her off before she cut me

"oh hey baby i missed you" she said hugging me smiling from ear to ear

"i missed you too" i said hugging her back

"this must be Paris" she said turning her attention to Paris

"hey" Paris said smiling and holding her hand out for my ma to shake it

"baby we hug over here" my ma said taking her in

"Paris this is my momma Charlotte"

"hey Mrs. Charlotte"

"you're welcome to call me momma if you want"

"yes ma'am"

"i like her already she had manners" my momma said making Paris smile

"DADDY" my daughter Kairi yelled running inside and jumping in my arms

"hey baby girl"

"what did i tell you about running in here" my momma said

"sorry nanna"

"who is that daddy"

"go ask her" i said putting her down

"hey my name is Kairi and i'm four years old what's your name"

"my name is Paris" Paris said as she kneeled down for Kairi height

"you're pretty. are you my daddy's girlfriend" she asked Paris making her look at me

"uhm yea something like that"

"okay you want to go play with me"

"of course" Paris said as Kairi grabbed her hand and let her outside

"what's going on" my ma asked

"what you mean"

"i remember you said y'all weren't talking when i told you i was cooking. and now she looking at you before answering if she's your girlfriend or not"

"what is that supposed to mean" i asked

"are you treating her right"

"i try ma"

"have you put your hands on her" she asked as she washed some of the dishes that were in the sink

i didn't say anything which made her look at me

"are you serious Dave"

"it was one time ma and i was drunk and wasn't taking my medicine"

"you don't know what you have until you lose it"

"i know"

"so what y'all aren't really together"

"i'm working on it"

"you better be"


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