chapter 28

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Dave Pov
same night

"what are you doing here" Paris said trying to get out of bed

"making sure you're straight" i said while sitting her back down

"i'm good go home"

"no i'm staying"

"fine" she said before getting under the covers

"goodnight" i said as i did the same

"i love you" she looking at me me with low eyes

"i love you too"

finally when i thought she was was fully sleep she said something

"i didn't want a baby by you but i would've dealt with it" she said lowly

my eyes shot open and looked at her

"what" i said but she had done went to sleep

next morning

i couldn't sleep from what Paris said last night so i ended up leaving. i left her some medicine for her to take but i couldn't be there when she got up

Paris pov

it was going on 1:35pm and i was still tired. i had been up for 2 hrs and i felt miserable so i've just been sitting around the house

Quel was keeping Myri for another week so i still had some time to myself. just thinking about it made me miss my baby so i called Quel

"hello" he answered

"hey where's Myri"

"she's sleep" he said

"can you wake her i really miss her"

"uhm no we just put her down for a nap"

"we? is Kennedi there" i asked referring to his girlfriend


"oh my gosh tell her i said hey"

"bae" Quel yelled for Kennedi

"what and stop yelling i just got her down for a nap" she said from the back

"Paris on the phone"

"hey girly" she said as she took his phone walking off

"hey how have you been"

"i've been pretty decent your baby daddy be getting on my nerves"

"oh i know thank god you're dealing with it"

"no don't say that cause i hate it sometimes"

we was interrupted by Myri whining

"oh did we wake her"

"yes y'all did" Quel said in the background

"let me see her"

he put her in the camera

"hey mommy princess. i miss you baby"

she started smiling

"i don't think i can wait a week"

"no you need some mommy time remember" Kennedi said

"i know but i miss her"

"i know you do but how is your therapy sessions going" she said whispering the last part. no Quel don't know about it and Kennedi don't know why i'm going.

"they're pretty good"

"you're not telling me something"

"i may have gotten a little drunk last night"

"well that's not bad i don't think"

"no it's not but my therapist did say not to drink but she'll never know"

knock knock

"i'll call you guys back later somebody at my door"


"bye bye mommies baby" i said to Myri before hanging up

i left out my room went to the door to see Ant

"wassup" i said as i let him in

"you okay" he asked

"yea why"

"because we came here last night and you was drunk as fuck"

"why and who is we"

"you wasn't answering your phone and we as in me and Dave"

"well i was fine"

"you wasn't Paris"

"why you saying my name like i did something bad"

"i mean you kind of did. and you told me something"

"and that is what" i asked at the tv

"first of all you told me about the baby"

"what" i said looking over at him

"yea and you told Dave you didn't want a baby by him but you would've dealt with it"

"are you serious"


i ran to my room to look for my phone to try and call Dave. once i got it i tried calling but he didn't answer. so i called him again still no answer

"was he upset when he told you" i asked as i went back in the living room with my phone in my hand about to send him a message

"i don't know nigga ain't really show no emotion"

"damn. we was supposed to start working on us again"

"try going over to talk to him"

"you want to take me for backup"

"i don't want to be in the middle of it"

"you were already in the middle of it when you told me" i said as i grabbed my keys and left out locking my door behind us

"listen you just call me if you need help i got some shit i need to handle"

"okay" i said before getting in my truck and going to Dave crib


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