chapter 25

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2 weeks later
Paris pov

"have a nice day" the check out lady said to me after i paid for my groceries

so Quel has Myri and i was leaving the grocery store so that i could cook me a nice relaxing dinner watch a movie with a glass of wine. i haven't had hardly any time to myself since i've been back home

At home

i was just pulling up at home when my phone went off and saw it was a message from an unknown number

unknown: can we talk now

i blocked the number and put my phone in my purse. i got out the car and was about to grab the groceries until someone said something but i knew the voice all so well

"Paris" Dave said making me freeze up

"can you leave me alone" i said still facing my truck

"Paris i understand i hurt you and i know you're scared but that wasn't me"

"Dave please leave"

"look at me...please"

i shook my head no. i honestly couldn't force myself to look this man in his eyes. what he did bothers me and i'm still having the worst nightmares ever. some of you can say i'm being extra but try having the man who was once the love of your life choke you out damn near suffocating you all because he's jealous.

"Paris-" he said while touching my arm making me flinch and turn around

"I didn't mean to hurt you"

"but you did" i said while my heart was racing i honestly thought i was about to have a nervous break down

"I don't have an explanation for why i did it but i'm sorry okay. i swear on my daughter i never wanted to hurt you" he said with a tear coming down his cheek

"i have been thinking of all the things i could say to you but i realize that no excuse can make up for what i did. and even if i did come up with some bullshit ass excuse it wouldn't change the fact that i did it and you're traumatized by it"

"Dave i can't"

"Paris" he said about to touch me again but i moved

"no Dave" i said before grabbing the few things i had in the truck

"okay" he said before turning around leaving

i unlocked my house door and went inside. about to put my groceries up when somewhere knocked at my door

i huffed

"Dave didn't i tell you no-" i said as i opened the door to see Ant and Jayla there

"we're definitely not Dave" Jayla said as they walked in

"i'm sorry he was just outside trying to talk to me"

"maybe you should hear him out he's genuinely sorry" Ant said

"get out my house" i said to Ant

"but we just got here" he said

"i could care less"

"Paris calm down"

"i am calm. but i won't be if one more person tell me to talk to him or tell me i'm being dramatic"

"i'm sorry" Ant said

"and stop saying sorry i'm so sick of that bullshit ass word" i said as i slammed my phone down on the counter

"you know what maybe we should come back another time"Jayla said as she grabbed Ant and left

i was so irritated with any and everybody at this point. something in me wanted to pack up and leave AGAIN but i have Myri to think of now

Ant pov

"maybe we should've just left her alone you know how she get" Jayla said

"i barely said anything though"

"but she's sensitive and everybody knows it"

"your right"

"i know now let's get home and fuck" she said before kissing me on my lips


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