chapter 32

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Paris Pov
three days later

Dave has been trying to reach out to me and i just haven't been in the mood to talk to him or nobody else so i've been ignoring everybody. i was currently rocking Myri to sleep for her 5:00 nap and she was almost there until my doorbell rung

i got up to see who it was and it was Dave with a bag of stuff

"what do you want Dave i don't have time"

"here" he said handing me the bag

i put Myri in her swing and opened the bag to see a pregnancy test

"what is this for"

"go pee on it"

"i know what it's for i'm not stupid. why did you bring me this"


"okay bro" i said before walking off to the bathroom

after taking the test i had to wait five minutes so i covered the test washed my hands and went back to the living room

i sat on the couch and looked at him looking at me all pissed

"you haven't been returning my calls"

"i know that"


"don't you have females to tend to"


"whatever Dave i don't have time for these mind games with you" i said getting up and going to the bathroom to check the tests

i lifted the paper from over the test to see a positive sign. i stood there in disbelief. this explains why he's been acting the way he have

i went back to the living room with the test in my hand and threw it at Dave

"you did this shit on purpose you know i don't want another baby right now Dave. why would you do this"

he didn't say anything

"HUH MOTHA FUCKER SAY SOMETHING" i said now balling my eyes out

he still said nothing he just sat there with a blank expression on his face

"GET THE FUCK OUT" i yelled at him walking Myri up in the process

i went to pick her up to comfort her as he got up and was about to walk out but stopped to say something

"im sorry. and i'm taking you to meet my mom this weekend"

"leave Dave" i said still crying

a few hrs later
Dave Pov

seeing Paris cry did hurt me i didn't think she would react the way she did. i thought she would've at least been a little bit happier

after leaving her house i went to the trap to go see how shit going around there

once i made it i went straight to my office

"damn why you look pissed bru" Ant said walking in

"i may have fucked up"

"damn you got one of your hoes pregnant huh" he said hitting the blunt

"something like that"

"i knew it" he said shaking his head

"it's not one of the hoes though"

"who is it then"


he started choking on the blunt

"nigga are you serious" he said trying to get himself together


"how did you find out and how did she react"

"i took her a test. i knew she was pregnant i did it on purpose after we talked well after she talked. and she's not happy about it i know that much. i just left from over there she was crying and shit" i said taking the blunt from his hand

"damn bruh you one stupid motha fucker"

i smacked my lips and hit the blunt again

"what you gone do"

"what you mean"

"she gone keep it"

"hell yea she is. i mean the whole point of me doing this was to prove a point"

"and was the point proved"

"i don't know yet"

"you're sad bro" Ant said before leaving out


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