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Trope: rivals to lovers
● No way in hell would this not be hate to love?

● He will definitely underestimate your quirk when he first sees you. Only to realise it's actually really storng but won't admit it.

●you are not from Japan but entered UA so he wants to become the best all over the world.(especially from where you come from)

●would sense there is some secret determination in you during UA sport festival fights.

● you ignore him at the beginning due to his rudeness until you befriend the bakusquad so now you have talk to him.

●his stubbornness scares you a little but not like you care. Right?

●Sports festival fight would be tad more brutal than that of todoroki and bakugou.

● when he got kidnapped you were the one to gather people to get him back and when he gets to know this he was beyond shocked.

●you called in sick just to keep an eye on him as him and midoriya were in house arrest and you infact did overhear their fight.

●would be pissed but more embarrassed when he gets to know you knew what they fought about.

●I think he'd ask you to be his training partner often as 'only extra with a quirk as strong as his'

●when he realises he likes you he would freak out and hurt you while training only for him to feel guilty.

●avoids you when you confront him.

●only talks become about studies and when you were paired up by Aizawa

●when the final war starts he finally confronts you. "Finally got back to your senses i see"
  "Tch...just stay safe dumbass. Don't want some potential to be wasted" he says and goes away.

●after the war you scold him tons for dying.
"Hey! Am alive ok!? I kicked that scratchy face's ass too!"
"But you fucking died once you asshole!who knows what could have happened if not for edgeshot!"
And he just hugs you to shut you up.

●would ask you out on your graduation and everyone would be surprised thinking you both were already together.

●definitely practiced the whole proposing thing alone in his room but krishima caught him taking notes from Google.

●even when you both are pro heroes he would try to work around you as much as possible. "Gotta keep his woman safe even if she can do it herself"

●I don't think you'll have much nicknames. He'd prolly just call you by your actual first name and no stupid stuff he calls others.

●definitely will tell that he will propose you when he becomes no.1 [ends up doing it earlier, cuz 'you were wayyy too irresistible' ;)]


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