BAKUGOU KATSUKI | Time to acknowledge

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This scenario takes place after the kidnapping incident of Bakugou,where he fights with Midoriya.

It has been a while since the camp incident. We all had shifted into our dorms which U.A had built surprisingly fast. Quirks and technology really do help. Everyone was a little gloomy due to the incident that had occurred. Thought everyone was going to their classes as usual, as if nothing had happened,...they all knew better. It was not the same as usual. Many were still recovering and even you. You were not supposed to use your quirk for a week and deku who had many broken bones. Everyone had their own things to recover form but few had permanent scars Especially the blonde head. Though he seems he is alright as he acts his usual self and managed to deceive everyone with his act.
But y/n knew better. He was being quieter in all might's class and she noticed this. Though he does pay attention in every class he was never tensed. But he was. Only in All might's class "Why is that?"Y/n had been wondering. She tried to go ask him herself but decided against it knowing the hit head would just decline it and shout at her.
'Hmm maybe he will be ok has been the hardest on him after all..he must be feeling guilty to see all might like this....' She thought as she started ahead of her. Soon the classes where over and they all headed back to their dorms. And today the blonde was even more quite. This made her think If she should do go and talk with him....regardless of his screams. And so she will but later on in the night. So that he might not shout considering everyone will be sleeping and maybe....just maybe he will open up.....
Y/n went into her dorm and followed her daily routine as everyday and in no time in was night. They all had dinner and went back to their dorms...a few were watching TV in the common area. As she was heading to her dorm, she noticed Bakugou whispering something to midoriya and she tried to listen to their conversation. She was only able to get few words , something about ground beta at midnight. so she waited in her room for everyone to sleep to see if her hunch was right.
Soon it was midnight. Y/n had waited until a few minutes past midnight and made her way to ground beta. And there they were, two of her classmates. Fighting in the ground. She was shocked as midoriya was also fighting. How could he have agreed on this? She was about to go stop them until she saw them stop and she heard Bakugou's voice, his broken voice. She stopped in her tracks as she proceeded to hear every words that came out of his mouth.
He had been beating the guilt all this time. Blaming himself for the state all might was in. And feeling like he was nothing because of midoriya's sudden improvement. Listening to all his words you stood still and decided to let them fight. It's time he would relieve some stress off him. And looks like Midoriya had been understanding that too because he went full on at Bakugou after their small talk. Y/n took a few steps back to avoid being seen by the boys when she bumped into someone. That someone being nine other than all might. He had been listening to the boys as well.
"All might...I- uh" y/n started. "Young y/n I understand why your must have been worried" all might said. "I- yes" y/n said a little shocked. She stood there debating whether she should ask him now or not..... "young y/n you seem to want to ask me something" all might caught up of her hesitation. "Well....why did you choose midoriya as your successor" she finally asked. "You knew?" He asked to which she gave a smalll nod. "Ha...well in the truth I was supposed to choose a different successor but I met him before must remember that villain attack on Bakugou?" He asked. Remembering the scene I sighed "yes" "well i saved Midoriya from that villain before and his ........interaction... with me made me lose the villain and young Bakugou was the victim of that and that day only midoriya had the guts to follow his instincts and save Bakugou" he said. "Saw in simple words you saw the potential in him and his desperation so you chose him? Ok" y/n nodded. "Uh yes you can say that" he smiled awkwardly. Just at that moment their fight has been over. Bakugou had won....
"Well hope that you make thing right...." She said to all might looking at the boys. "I will and watch out of Aizawa" he said going towards the boys. "I was already prepared when I stepped out of my room...." She mumbled and went back towards the dorms looking at them one last time to see all might hugging Bakugou. And at that moment midoriya had seen me, shocked he stood still. Noticing that Y/n gestured him to not tell Bakugou and that Aam heading back.

 MULTI FANDOM SHORT STORIESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora