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Topic: friends to ????

●of course. You both were science geeks.

● as kids he always preferred hanging out with you rather that taiju cuz '10 billions percent more knowledge gathering' but you'd force him to play with taiju as well.

● definitely tried to make a rocket in your home cuz his dad scolded him last time (not really) for practically trying to put taiju in a can and send him to space. Which failed of course.

●as you grew up, you became more bold and less shy and senku becoming more confident making senku blush once in a while as you used cheesy science pick up lines on him

●when the world was petrified, he had held your hand protectively the moment he saw the green light capturing the city and you both got petrified like that.

●waking up after thousand of years was....awkward.
"Oh you're awake..." senku said sitting right in front of you.
"Yea" you smiled at first until you looked down at him and threw a rock at him, thankfully he dodged it.
"Why are you not covering yourself!? And look away you pervert!!" You yelled as he turned away.
"Who cares when we are practically back to Stone Age?"
"Me! I care! Cuz we don't belong there ya ass!!"

●after that he was forced to bring some leaves as you made yourself few clothes with it and made him a pair of shorts as well as you could.

● After Taiju and yuzuriha joined you, it became a lot easier and yuzuriha had made matching dresses for you and senku.

●when he 'died' you broke down but you realised he would never do something so absurd and that's when it clicked what his plan was and well then he was revived.

● "you darn lil nerd..."
    "What? Thought I'd leave your emotional Butt alone?" He smirked making you glare at him just to bear hug him a second later.
●He had to send you sway with taiju and yuzuriha to Tsukasa's new kingdom after a loooooooooooooong persuasion cuz you didn't want to leave him again but oh well...duty first ay?

●after what? 2 yrs? When Tsukasa and his kingdom was defeated by senku and hus villager teams. That's when you met him cuz Tsukasa locked you up as you refused to use your knowledge for his benefit.

●You didn't tell senku about that but Taiju slipped it out making senku glare at you

  "Why what? I was just locked up and besides he gave food and all so it's ok!"
"Yea right..." he huffed with a glare
"Are you worried about your lady senku? If do continue cuz my heart is producing serotonin now" you smirked
"Means you need a health check up dumbass....get to work..." he says indifferent as always but that lil blush? Worth it

●after that you swear you didn't know when you both last slept due to all the work

●that was until our dear Ryusui came into the picture....and his flirts with every woman...
●Senku wud secretly glare at him whenever he'd flirts with you knowing you will flirts back...friendly way but still.

●Years go by with nothing much happening but you'd be lying if you say you didn't change. Senku and You are a lot closer than before even though both won't agree. Well that's what time together does. Exploring, experimenting, creating, teaching, treating wounds and falling asleep in the lab? Yup.

●you'd realise it wasn't just pure friendship anymore not even when kohaku kisses him to play dumb but it was when ya'll reach America and he gets shot. That. Took a toll. But you'd keep it in cuz humanity and saving earth was more important.

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