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Y/n as a third year in nekoma high and science is your favourite subject.(extremely sorreh if your not into studies)your in class-5 same as Kuroo . Your an avid reader. (Am sure you all read a lot too🌚)
Yaku Morisuke is your twin.
N/n: nickname
The matches won't be canon cuz...I might end up writing too much so yea...😀

It was break time and You were walking towards the volleyball gym in your school, to see your twin practice. It was his final year and he has been staying with the team more than anything. Though you were twins you both had complete different goals and tastes. One thing that you had common was you both were brutally honest and straight forward.
"Yo Mori!" You made your presence clear as you entered the gym to avoid certain.....situations. "Hey senpai!" Lev said excited as usual. All the team members greeted you in row but two of them were missing today. "Hey n/n this isn't the library" your brother sad making you roll your eyes. "I just came to watch as usual, I'll be near the benches." You said and went to sit there. "Senpai! Watch me!" Lev shouted from his position to which you smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "Focus here lev" your brother hit his back. "Ow! Demon senpai hit the ball not me" lev pouted as he became serious again.
"Sorry we are late guys! Kenma tried to sneak away and play his games again" their captain barged in holding kenma by his jacket with his left hand and a game in his right. "Now kenma no games unless you practice!" He said dragging a cat- I mean a grumpy kenma into the gym. He put the game away and pushed kenma to do some warm ups. He came towards the bench to put his jacket near his bag. He came close as your eyes met. "Oh hi there uh am really sorry about that throw" he said rubbing the back of his head. "Tch, just go practice" you said looking away. "Y/n..." he said coming closer. "What the..." you said shocked as he came closer to you and reached his hand out.....
He bent down beside you and took his bag which was just behind you. "Ah my bag was behind you and I didn't want you to tire yourself" he grinned. "Shut up before I kick you again kuroo" you glared at his trying to hide the blush that was spread on your face. "Alrighty, I'll go now, please cheer for me!" He said as he went to do some warm ups and went to practice with boys.
You sighed as you saw him practice till the break was done. Hope he doesn't hit me with one of his throws again. You thought still looking at him. Soon the break was over and you took a water bottle to your brother. "Well done demon-senpai" you said grinning and handing him the bottle. He glared at you before sighing and chugging Down the whole bottle. "Ahh senpaii! Where is my bottle?" Lev whined and Yamamoto joined in as well "yes y/n where's mine too?" He said. "Go get them form there you lazy asses" you and your brother said at the same time. It made the other laugh as Lev and Yamamoto sulked and went. "Shut up you astaxanthin!" You turned towards kuroo who was laughing like hyena. "It's docosahexaenoic acid to you!...wait is this your twin thing or something !?" Kuroo asked eyes wide. "Ok Mori see ya later" you said swiftly ignoring kuroo and leaving.
"Oh c'mon I said sorry already" kuroo whined as you left. "Oi kuroo! Shut up and move You don't wanna be late to class" Yaku said as he packed up. "What- when did you pack up!?" Lev asked shocked. "Heh. It's a secret" yaku smirked. "Kuroo, your in the same class as y/n..."Kenma said as he was playing his game. "Yes and she acts so cold, even the CFC aren't that cold" Kuroo said as he went out along with kenma. "Yea bye see you later rooster face...." Kenma said as he went to his class "when will he stop insulting me" Kuroo sighed and went to his class as well.
He entered the class and found you sitting in your place reading a book. Definitely another fantasy book. He thought as he made his way to his seat which was just beside yours. He took a glance at what a you were reading before sitting down. Yup another fantasy. He sighed and looked at you smiling as he remembered how he had accidentally hit you with his throw yesterday. You closed your book as a teacher came in. "Good afternoon students, I'll be the substitute today as your sensei left early today due to an emergency...and feel free to do what you want today but be quite" she said as she sat down and began looking through her work. (Typical subs in my school-_-)
Kuroo watched you as your eyes Lit up and you immediately removed the book you were reading earlier and proceed to read it. You stopped abruptly and looked up at him. "Kuroo if you don't have anything to say....quit staring" you whispered. "Oh...umm no I would like to apologise again-" he stared but you cut him off. "Ok ok I forgive you already ok? Now let me read my book in peace" you said and dived into your book. After few minutes you sighed and closed the book. "Ah finished already?" Kuroo asked "yea now I need to buy the next book soon" you said putting the book into your bag.
"Say y/n....our final match is up soon..." he said not looking at you. "Hmm I know ....Mori mentioned it...but...why are you blushing?" You asked smirking. "What!" He said a little loudly. "Kuroo tetsurou! What is it?" The teacher glared at him. "Umm extremely sorry miss, an ant bit me and it startled me" he said nervously. "Really? Sit down and don't make noise" the teacher warned and you were holding in your laughter. "Yes ma'am" he sat down embarrassed. "Was it that surprising?" You asked smirking, still holding in your laughter. "No, not at all, I was just taken aback, I mean it's not regular for you to say stuff like that, so I was just taken aback" he rambled. "Yea sure, whatever astaxanthin" you said rolling your eyes.
"I- nevermind I don't care now" he mumbled. "Keeping this all aside, the actual thing I wanted to ask" he stated regained his composure. "What is it?" You asked looking at him. "Well...will you come to watch m- our team play?" He asked. "Of course, I thought it was obvious I mean my brother is playing" you shrugged. "Right...just wanted to confirm" he said and his voice was rather....upset? Why does he sound upset? I didn't say anything wrong. Wait does he not want me to come or something?
"...do you want me to come?" You asked cautiously. "Of course!" He said...a little loudly..but thankfully the teacher didn't hear it this time. Or maybe she just gave up on him. "Ohk umm great" you said taken a back from his reply. "I want you to be there"he said again. And before you could say anything he said again. "Ah well you visit our team everyday so you've become like a part of it and yea..."he said. You felt a pang in your heart after listening to this. So he wanted me to come for the team's sake....you thought sulking a little. "Oh ok, don't worry I'll come" you said smiling. He noticed the change in your behaviour and was about to say something but unfortunately the bell rang.
"Ok class, see you" the teacher left the class. "Oi y/n!" Your brother called you from behind. "Hm what?" You asked getting up from your seat. Meanwhile Kuroo sat there watching you again. Why did he get so excited? Ahh leave it I need to go to the next class. He shrugged it off.
Meanwhile your brother had seen the interaction with Kuroo. "So what was it about?" He asked. "Huh?" You were confused. "Ya know just now...with that rooster" he said looking toward Kuroo. "Ah! Nothing just the usual" you shrugged . "You sure?" He asked not believing you. "Ah well he asked me to be there in your match...for the team" you said looking down. "He did!?" Morisuke asked rather surprised. "Eh yea.. why are you so surprised...wait are you happy?" You asked seeing the rapid change of emotions on his face. "Yea that your gonna be there for our team as well" he said. "I didn't say whether I'll be there or not" you raised your eyebrow. "You think you can outsmart me?" He asked dumbfounded. "Whatever am going back to my seat" you said as you saw the teacher enter.
Till their match you had been visiting them everyday. Sometimes you would just sit and watch them and other times you would read your book. And soon enough the match had come. It was their last match of their preliminary round for the spring tournament coming up. This was going to decide whether they get to play further...or not. So there was a lot of tension for them.
You went with your brother and sat with team manager as all the team members had been eagerly waiting for you to watch them. Kuroo and your brother had been getting weird as well. But when we're they ever normal? Thinking so you shrugged the thought and focused on the match. Both the teams were going fierce and you watched them mesmerised. Yes you had watched them practice but never actually went to their real matches. That's why the team had insisted for you to come this time, it might be the last match you might see, but you were sure they would win.
The match went on for what felt like hours. But you didn't fail to notice the small glance the bed head took at you in between the match,and finally it was over. Nekoma had won! They had won. You left out a deep breath which you didn't know that you held. The team was shouting in happiness and what surprised you was that even kenma was so happy. The manager nudged you and went towards the boys who were hugging each other. "Yea I'll stay here" you said to yourself and sat down.
You saw how their coach pointed out their flaws and how they were on the verge of crying when they were announced as the winners. After all the formalities they came to you. "Yo! Congratulations! Since you succeeded in winning and also for blowing my mind, it felt like I was reading a fantasy book" you said honestly. "Haha thanks y/n" your brother said "that's the highest compliment your gonna receive from her guys respect it" Kenma said playing his game. When did he get his game!?
"Yea he is right" your brother laughed. "Tch! I shouldn't have said anything" you huffed in annoyance. "No no we are sorry y/n" Kuroo stated. "You better be!" You said. "Well how about I make it up to you on behalf of them" Kuroo said. "What..?" You looked at him confused. "Ooh~ finally" the others cooed just to be shut up by your brother and Kuroo's glare. "Ehem so...I have something for you" Kuroo said. "And what is it...?" You asked. "Well come with me" he said taking you towards the changing rooms!? "Children don't forget to use protect-" Yamamoto was cut off by Lev hitting him with a ball.
"Uhh this is hella sketchy Kuroo" you stopped in front of the door. "Huh? What do you m- oh uhh you can stay out here...yea I'll just get it to you" he said blushing as soon as he realised how this has seemed. "Yup" you said blushing as well. He went it and got a rectangular shaped gift. "Here" he handed it to you. "....what is this...?" You asked. "Well remember how you wanted that new book?" He said smiling at you. "Yea...but...no way! You got it!? But how? I wasn't able to find it anywhere!" You exclaimed in happiness as you removed the wrapper and took the book. "Hmm remember how we went for practice matches to Kyoto? I found it there" he grinned. "Oh your the best!" You said grinning widely like a child.
Kuroo looked at you as he felt warm. You were happy because of him and that made him feel happy and warm. "Wait...shouldn't I be the one to gift you?" You said as soon as realisation hit you. "You already did" Kuroo said. "When? Cuz I surely don't have memory issues" you said. "Well you just boosted my seratonin with your smile" he winked.. "........let's get you home your tired" you said as you went back to the bus in which your team was waiting. "Hey wait!" Kuroo held your wrist. "What?" You said looking at him. "Umm...if we win in the tornament..." he started. "Continue" you said smirking. "Well, if we win ,please go out with me" he bowed 90 degrees.
You were taken aback by his bow ansyou asked him to stand up. "Woah there! stand up! Am the same age as you!" You said. He stared at you as his words kicked in slowly, resulting in a blush which was very evident on your face..... but unable to speak you just stared at him. "So..?" His voice snapped you out of your trance. "U-h well , Make sure you win" you said looking at him. "It's fine... wait what!? Hell ya I'll win n/n" he said jumping in happiness. "Look who is the kid now..." you said to yourself as you looked at him, with a smile.


" y/n senpai.....You betrayed me....."Yamamoto was sulking. "Shut up! They are gonna see us!" Lev muttered. "My sis is finally growing up" Morisuke started getting emotional. "Y/n senpai and captain forever" Lev squeaked. And all the others were there as well. Peeking at you two. "....guys it's cold here let's go into the bus..." Kenma said as he looked up from his game. "Shhhhlet us enjoy the scene" Lev said
"Uhhh guys?" You said as Kuroo and you made your way out. "...Ah shit" Kuroo said knowing what must have happened. "Bro!! How could you betray us!" Yamamoto said as he latched onto Kuroo. "What the- get off me!" Kuroo shouted. "Y/n, I'll support you...though it hurts..." Yamamoto said crying.... "Eh hahaha...thanks.." you said awkwardly. "Let's go home now guys it's pretty late" Kenma said. "Let's go guys" Kuroo said smiling at you. He was about to hold your hand when your brother came in between "uhuh Kuroo I am not letting your sweaty hands touch her" he said. "Yea am going" you said as you went and sat in their bus leaving them all behind.
After 5 minutes they came in and saw you asleep in your seat. Your brother nudged Kuroo towards you. Kuroo looked at him shocked as just a minute ago he had been protective over you. And now... "just go before I change my mind..." he said looking at your sleeping figure. Without wasting a second Kuroo went to sit beside you. Kenma muttered about some betrayal or smtg but sat beside Your brother.As soon as the bus moved your head fell onto his shoulder.(cliche)
Kuroo stiffened up a little before an evil idea spawned in the scientific brain of his. He took out his phone smirking all the way and took a selfie of him and you. He would definitely tease you for this.


"Kuroo tetsurou you better delete that or am breaking up with you!" You yelled
"no! I didn't even officially ask you out yet!?"Kuroo whined.

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