As he pulls into my parents' driveway, I fear that we'll have to answer similar questions as that to my dad's parents. They would surely expect Jack to go into law and I'm sure they already have a Harvard onesie waiting for him, but Harry and I don't have any expectations for our three-month-old babies. They can be whoever and whatever they want, that's what we agreed on.

"Okay, how should we do this?" I whisper, glancing back to see both babies are sleeping. "Do you think they'll transfer well?"

"It's hard to say," Harry whispers back. "Do you wanna go in and let them know that we're here and that they're sleeping?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea," I step out of the car and silently crack the door shut to let myself in the house, overwhelmed by the savory scent of Thanksgiving. My dad's parents are sitting on the couch in the living room, which means my mom's parents are probably helping her in the kitchen.

"Oh my goodness, is that Haven?" Grandma Elizabeth stands from the couch in her leggings and Chanel sweater with flats to match. "How are you, darling?"

"Hi, Grandma," I chuckle and hug her back, inhaling her Chanel No. 5. I hug my Grandpa Nicholas next and tell them that we're going to bring in the sleeping babies before I say the same to everyone in the kitchen. All I can do is wave at my grandparents in there so I can quickly get back to Harry in the car.

Again, we each take a car seat and bring the sleeping babies into the living room to place them on the Persian rug so my grandparents can see them before we move them to a quieter place. Chester and Blue are both outside for now, but I can't wait for them to meet the twins as well. I already know they're both going to be gentle.

"Oh, they're precious, Haven," Elizabeth says and her husband agrees.

My nana Betty gasps with her hands on both of her cheeks as she bends over to see them better. "Well, if those aren't the two sweetest little baby peas I've ever seen."

Harry laughs as we thank them, and I'm sure that's because he doesn't have to guess whose parents belong to whom. My nana's accent is even thicker than my mom's, and she's also the first to introduce herself to him, yanking him down for a hug.

"He's very handsome, Haven," she whispers loudly on purpose as she pats his back.

"I know," I smile up at him and his blushing cheeks as he shakes my pop's hand next.

"So this is my nana, Betty, my pop and her husband, Hank, and this is my grandma, Elizabeth, and my grandpa, Nicholas."

"Wow, it's nice to meet you all," Harry kisses both women on the cheek and simply shakes their husbands' hands while I hug my parents. "Thank you so much for having me."

"Well, of course," my mom laughs and reciprocates his kiss on her cheek. "Where do you wanna set them up? In the theater?"

"Yeah, I think that'd be good," I pick Lily up and Harry follows with Jack as my mom leads the way to the home theater around the corner. It's perfect because of how dark and secluded it is, so I think they'll sleep well for at least another couple of hours.

"So how has everything been?" I whisper to my mom while Harry plugs in the monitor so we can hear them if they cry.

She gives me a look. "I'm workin' on keeping my mouth shut if I don't have anything nice to say."

"Oh no," I quietly whine. "That bad?"

In response, she rolls her eyes and I know there's a story there. "Elizabeth is just entitled as anything. She didn't even offer to help with dinner. Instead, she was asking where the help was, and I was like, 'Hello, you're lookin' at her'."

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