Chapter 29

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I'm completely aware that I have absolutely no right or reason to be nervous about Harry's first show back on the tour tonight, but as soon as I regain consciousness and realize that we're in a hotel room in Switzerland, I feel butterflies rush through my gut until I'm almost nauseous. In hindsight, it hasn't been that long since he was on stage, but it feels like years have passed at the same time.

As his alarm starts blaring through our otherwise silent and peaceful bedroom, he breathes in and rolls over to silence it, accidentally dropping the device on the ground before he resumes the position to spoon me. I know we need to get up, but he typically sets the alarm for twenty minutes before we actually need to be out of bed so we have time to wake up first.

"Sleep okay?" He all but whispers to me as I hold his arm around my waist.

"Mhm," I lace my fingers through his. "Really well, actually. It's peaceful and beautiful here."

"Mm," he hums to agree. "Is it your new favorite?"

I smile down at the duvet, knowing that I always say a new city is my favorite. "I think it is and I mean it this time."

"Sure," he lands a gentle kiss on the back of my neck. "Why do you like it so much?"

"Because it has the mountains and the sea, and the village is small and adorable. I think we should move here."

He laughs at my sudden decision. "What happened to Tokyo?"

"Oh, well we'll have homes in both places," I answer simply. "We'll divide our time between the two."

"Sounds like you've been thinking a lot about this," he holds me tighter until I roll onto my other side to see him.

"I think about our future sometimes," I confess. "Not like psychotically in-depth, but just vague stuff.

He's still wearing a small smile as he closes his eyes again. "Okay, let's hear it."

"No, I don't wanna," I laugh as he immediately frowns and snaps his eyes open to glare at me.

"Why not?"

"Because you'll think I'm crazy if you're not on the same page," I explain. "I don't want you to think that I'm just sitting around planning the rest of our lives together when we've only been dating for five months."

"Well, I wanna hear it anyway," he insists.

I purse my lips in thought, but he's as stubborn as I am. If I really wanted to keep it to myself, I shouldn't have said anything. "Well, I think I can see us living with each other someday."

"And what else?"

That's really all I care to admit without scaring him, seeing as I only want to live with a partner if we're engaged or have children together, but his eyes are open again as if he's genuinely curious and wants to know what all my secret plans for us entail.

"And...I see us taking trips together when you're not working or writing—somewhere we can get away from the paparazzi and the media and all that."

His smile softens. "What else?"


"Tell me," he laughs and adjusts his head on his pillow until our foreheads are touching.

"No, the rest is a secret," I smile and privately think of our shared house, wedding, children, the whole lot. I want all of that with him.

"Fine," he surrenders with a little defeated smirk. "We'll revisit that later, but right now, we need to get up before a very angry Jeff Azoff comes pounding on the door to make sure we're awake."

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