Chapter 11

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"Thank you so much," I speak to the crowd without my microphone, holding both sets of my fingers to my lips to blow kisses in each direction of the Radio City Music Hall.

The cheers are still going strong even as I leave the stage and remove my in-ears to let all the sounds fill my eardrums the way everyone else has been hearing it this whole time. Doing so brings a smile to my face as Jeff meets me with a bottle of water and a pat on the back, assuring me it was a great show.

New York is always a big one with more than a few industry guests who attend, so I was more nervous for this one than I have been for any of the other four shows leading up to it. I'm sure in a few days I'll see an article pop up by one of the writers who came tonight and just hope for the best.

"So are you going out tonight?" Jeff asks. "You've got the day off tomorrow."

I instantly think of Haven, wondering what her plans are. Once the show is over, she's no longer obligated to do anything with or for me and that bothers me more than I'd care to admit.

"I'm not sure," I answer honestly as we enter my dressing room. Haven is already in here waiting to do her job. "Well?"

"Ten out of ten," she confirms with a smile. "You weren't kidding when you said you were going all out tonight."

"I told you," I smile as I start stripping my suit jacket and button-down shirt off to hand to her. "You doubted me."

"I did no such thing," she scoffs like she's offended and I suddenly have no desire to be anywhere that she isn't tonight.

"So are you going out tonight?" I subtly ask her, keeping my tone neutral.

"No way," she yawns at the mention of it. "But I do really want New York pizza so I think I might order some to my room, eat it all, and then pass out. You're both more than welcome to join."

Thank God.

"I might have to take you up on that," I casually agree before excusing myself to take my shower.

I yank the faucet on and twist the knob to keep the temperature of the water lukewarm if not more on the colder side before I step in. With my eyes closed, I rake my fingers through my hair to let the water soak it, squeezing a dollop of the travel-size shampoo bottle on the built-in shower shelf onto my palm.

After rinsing my hair out, I quickly lather the shower gel all over my body and shut the water off once it runs clear down the drain. I feel like a new person now as I change into a pair of sweats and a vintage tee of mine, ruffling my hair with a towel to dry it at least halfway.

Back in the dressing room, Haven is laughing hard about something with someone on the phone. The sound makes me smile even though I have no idea what the subject matter is, but she's basically crying over it as she stands to take the sweat-soaked pants for me like she's my mum or something.

"That's hilarious, oh my God," she tucks the phone between her shoulder and ear to have free hands to hang the pants. "So now what? You have to call animal control or something?"

I give her a strange look, to which she nods with a little smile as if she's going to explain it afterward, zipping up the garment bag with my suit inside.

"Don't call an exterminator, are you crazy?!" She shouts, making even Jeff laugh from where he's sitting on the couch. "Call animal control and they'll come get him. It's not like he's rabid, right?"

Her conversation goes on for another five minutes before she says she loves the person on the other line and hangs up with the garment bag over her arm. "My dad's girlfriend accidentally let a raccoon into his house and it was running around on its hind legs trying to find a place to hide or something."

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