Chapter 48

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"Wait, bought him briefs for his birthday?"

My jaw drops in offense as I glare at my phone. "Don't make me feel worse about this, Kat. He's lucky I got him anything, and it's not just briefs. It's his favorite Calvin Klein briefs with socks and lounge shirts."

"You're right, it's nice that you got him anything at all," she chuckles. "Is he doing something for his birthday? Like a party?"

"Not that he told me," I lift my crewneck to see my stomach, which only has a gentle swoop to it now that I'm ten weeks along. After looking it up, I guess I'm not really going to show until I'm between twelve and sixteen weeks, but it also depends on the woman.

"Well, I hope the appointment goes well today, and please don't forget to get me a copy of an ultrasound photo! I've been really looking forward to it."

My smile softens as I drop my crewneck back over my belly. "I won't forget, and thanks for calling. I'll see you sometime this week, right?"

"Definitely. Maybe we can have a sleepover soon."

"I'd love that," I grab my tote bag from my dresser at the sound of Harry ringing the bell. "We'll figure something out, but Harry just got here so I'll text you later."

"Alright, bye, Hay."

I drop my phone in my bag and open the door for Harry. He's in his preferred street-style outfit of Nike shorts and a hoodie, and he's having a great hair day even though I'm sure he didn't do much to it after getting out of bed.

"Hey," he removes his sunglasses to look directly at me.

"Hi," I adjust my bag over my shoulder. "I'm ready to go if you are."

"Yeah," he nods and steps back to let me out of the house. "Want me to drive?"

"Sure," I dig my keys out to lock the door. "Happy Birthday, by the way."

"Oh," he chuckles like he wasn't even thinking about that as he opens the door for me. "Thank you."

"Mhm," I sit in the passenger seat of his Range Rover. It smells and looks like it's recently been taken to have a wash.

As he gets in on the driver's side, he has me plug my phone in so I can map the address of my OBGYN's office. We've already had the stressful conversation as to what we'll do if people recognize us there, but then we circled back to the idea that we're not actively trying to hide this. We're not exactly going to call the paparazzi so they can meet us there for a photo op, but we'll be discreet without using disguises and whatnot.

"So do you have any plans for your birthday?"

"No," he shakes his head indifferently. "I just wanted to take the day off for this and have a break from the studio."

"Oh," my shoulders drop in disappointment for him. It makes me sad to know that he doesn't have anything fun to do for some reason. "Well, I have a birthday present for you at my house when we get back. Maybe we could order some food and talk or something. Or we don't have to talk. We could watch a movie."

The corner of his mouth ticks up in a half-smirk. "That sounds nice."

"Okay, cool," I cross one leg over the other, reaching out to turn the heat up a couple of notches on the air vents facing me.

As we pull up to the short strip of medical suites, I'm relieved that it appears to be just an average sunny Thursday in the parking lot. There are no photographers and nobody else apart from random people walking to and from their cars. Only then do Harry and I casually step out of the car to head inside the building.

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