Chapter 27

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Using the pin pad on Harry's door, I let myself in with his birthday present in hand, feeling incredibly underdressed compared to the last public outing we made together. For his "party" this year, he wanted to celebrate at a small bar and restaurant in Malibu. Jeff rented it out for the night so Harry doesn't have to worry about fans, but there's a one hundred percent chance the paparazzi will be waiting to photograph him outside the premises. Or, I guess I should say they'll be waiting to photograph us.

Despite our conversation after New Year's about how we're still on the same page about being seen together without offering an explanation to anyone, we haven't really done that since. He's been photographed coming to my apartment and I've been photographed going to his house, but no one has seen us be affectionate with each other since our little makeout session at that party.

To be honest, I think he's still afraid to let too many people see us after the reaction to the first time. I've stayed strong for an entire month and haven't seen what people are saying about it, but I'm sure Harry has his reasons for wanting to stay a little more discreet and I'm fine with that. I never wanted fame out of this relationship, so I'm not exactly antsy to get in front of the cameras anyway.

"Harry?" I call out to warn him before entering his room to see him in one of his patterned short-sleeve button-downs that he loves, just now securing his belt around his waist.

"Hey, you," he smiles at the sight of the very cheesy gift bag I got him. It could be for a five-year-old boy's party in all its royal blue iridescent coloring and rainbow letters that read, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

"Hi," I set the bag on the bed as he walks over to take my face in his hands and kiss me twice.

"You look so nice," his eyes flicker all over my face before he looks down at my plain outfit of a chestnut brown cashmere sweater and bootcut jeans to pair with my favorite espresso pointed-toe leather boots. My hair is in a low messy bun and my makeup is natural, almost nonexistent.

"You said casual, right? I feel underdressed."

"You're perfect," he kisses my lips again, unbothered by the gloss that transfers to his until I wipe it away with my thumb for him. "Is this for me?"

I laugh at the way he peeks into the bag past the tissue paper. "It's for you, yes."

"Can I open it now?"

"Mhm," I sit on the bed, unable to keep from smiling at his boyish excitement as he lifts the tissue out of the bag to reveal a black sweater with various planets knitted into the fabric. "I know I'm your stylist, but I bought this with my own that I technically got"

He starts to laugh even as he leans in to press his lips to my cheek. "No, it's so great. I really like it a lot and I don't have anything like it."

I nod, inspecting it as he holds it up in front of him. "Yeah, I could see you in it and I just thought it was really cool."

"Well, I love it," he kisses me again. "And I'm gonna wear it tonight."

"Oh, you don't have to," I laugh as he stands to start unbuttoning his shirt–a sight I could never get sick of.

"I want to," he shrugs and slips it right on over his head. It's purposely just slightly oversized on him just like I knew it would be, and he looks incredible in it...just like I knew he would. "Well?"

"Well, you're still annoyingly hot," I hold out the second gift to him. "This too."

He's smirking as he says, "You didn't have to get me two gifts."

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