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"Since we're both up for elimination, you realize this is probably gonna be the last time we ever talk to each other, right?"
"I haven't really thought about it much, it's been a while since I haven't felt completely scatterbrained. I keep thinking how life isn't going to be the same after this."
"I don't think we really—... like to think about it.

"...did you ever notice how all the grass here is pointing towards the sun?"



     "hey guys.. check it out,—" White, and flat clouds appeared the unusually teal sky,
"—I made cloud-s...!" "Soda bottle" was sitting on the boring and geometric grass, I can't do this. I WONT do this. I need to get home.
     Sodabottle's new life was lonely, not only for him but also Liam's. Once Airy left, life has been the same.

Wake up,
Talk with scenty,
Talk with moldy,
And wait.
Then wait some more,
Then go to sleep.

Liam's new life was Lonely, like Sodabottle's

Wake up,
Eat breakfast,
Go to work,
Get home from work,
Eat dinner,
And then sleep.

Although, Liam decided to finally do something, something useful.

HFJONE AU: LOSTWhere stories live. Discover now