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Summer vacation was over.

"Need help with more stuff, Kwan?" Seokmin asked as they stood in Seungkwan's new dorm room. It was move-in day, the two dads and their son were moving his things to the college for the start of his first year.

"I think this will be more than enough, Dad. Thank you" Seungkwan replied, playing with the hem of his hoodie's sleeves, a habit he found myself doing often these days.

Jisoo sighed as he looked at his son's new place.

"I'm going to miss you," he said, a slight frown on his face as he wrapped his arms around Seungkwan, squeezing as tight as possible. The eighteen-year-old rubbed Jisoo's back in a comforting manner, and said "I'm going to miss you too, Dad"

When they heard Seokmin sniff, the two pulled away, Seungkwan holding in a laugh at the sight of his other dad trying his best not to cry and miserably failing.

"Seokmin we said no crying"

"I'm sorry, I'm trying" Seokmin looked up, squeezing his eyes shut causing Jisoo to roll his eyes at his husband.

A knock was heard interrupting their little moment.

"Are you crying again? Seriously?" Soonyoung said in disbelief as he and Jihoon walked inside

Completely ignoring the chaos that was happening around them, Jihoon went to his younger brother with a caring smile on his face. "You ready?" Seungkwan nodded his head, smiling back.

Jihoon could tell he was nervous.

"This is going to be fun. Don't be nervous"

"I'm not nervous" he lied.

"Don't lie. I know you too well"

Seungkwan sighed. "Fine, maybe a little. But it's fine, I'll get over it" he replied.

"Where's Mingyu?" Jisoo asked, handing Seokmin more tissues as the other blew his nose. "In his dorm. We just finished moving his stuff" Soonyoung answered.

"I still can't believe you don't want to stay in the same dorm as your brother"

"It's not that I don't want to. It's what the college assigned for us. We don't get to choose our roommates"

"Let's go eat together. I'll call Dads and Wonwoo as well" Soonyoung suggested.

"That sounds nice. Let's get the car"

"I'll go call Gyu while you do that," Seungkwan told the four of them.

"We'll see you outside," Seokmin said and the youngest only hummed in response as he walked down the hall to his twin's dorm.

The car ride to the restaurant was pure chaos. Seokmin and Seungkwan fought over what music to play while Jisoo was driving and trying to get directions from Mingyu who kept dropping the phone.

Luckily they were able to arrive at the restaurant safe and sound, where Jeonghan and Seungcheol were waiting with their seventeen-year-old, Wonwoo. After hugs and kisses, the big family sat together with Seungcheol ordering for everyone.

"How's the dorm room?" Wonwoo asked.

"It's tiny with a bunch of boxes everywhere right now"

"Tell me about it" Seungkwan rolled his eyes. "It's a mess! Just thinking about unboxing all the boxes tonight is exhausting"

Jeonghan shook his head at the dramatic eighteen-year-old. Classic Seungkwan, he thought.

"Honey, say ah" Before Seungcheol could comprehend what was happening, a piece of steak was shoved into his mouth by his one and only husband. He hummed with delight at the flavor making Jeonghan smile in victory.

The lovey-dovey act earned the two of them groans of disgust from their son as he munched on his pasta. "Quit flirting. I'm trying to eat" he said. Soonyoung laughed at his younger brother "It never gets better" he told him.

"You're not one to talk, Soonyoung" Jeonghan said pointing at his and Jihoon's intertwined hands on his lap. The shorter blushed slightly, trying to pull his hand away but his husband rolled his eyes and tightened his grasp.

As the family was listening to Seungkwan animatedly telling a story about how much of a flirt Mingyu was in high school, a waiter who was passing by tripped on a chair resulting in the drinks and food flying out of his hand onto the floor....and Seungkwan.

Seungkwan, drenched in soda and bits of food, stood up "Oh my god," he exclaimed, trying to stifle a laugh.

The waiter, flustered and apologetic, scrambled to his feet, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, sir," he stammered, rushing over to Seungkwan's side.

"Accidents happen. Don't worry about it" Seungkwan reassured, giving him a charming smile as he bent down to help with the mess. The waiter blushed furiously, his bangs covering his eyes.

The boy was constantly avoiding eye contact and Seungkwan noticed his ears turning red from how badly he was flushed. "Are you okay?" he asked as they both stood up straight.

"Huh? Yes," he replied before quickly walking away.

"Weird," Seungkwan thought.

After long goodbyes and trying his best to get Seokmin to let go of his tight hug, Seungkwan was finally back in his dorm. The sun was already setting and he got a very pretty view of that from the window next to his bed.

The dorm room is neatly arranged, with two identical study areas, furnished with desks, chairs, and ample storage space. Each side has a cozy twin bed with matching bedding, and there's a common area with a small seating arrangement and a mini-fridge. The room is decorated with personal touches such as posters and decor, creating a harmonious and welcoming environment for both students.

Seungkwan had added a few touches of his own before he left but he noticed that his roommate had done the same while he was gone. The two of them still hadn't formally met yet, but his roommate seemed cool with his posters and intriguing style.

Looking at his roommate's messy bed, he figured the other had left for a bit.

Seungkwan took the fairy lights out of one of the boxes, deciding he wanted to hang them with his fake plants above his desk.

He liked how his side of the room looked.

It was cozy and already felt homey.

Taking his book, he sat on the bed reading until his eyelids got heavy, and he drifted to deep sleep, his roommate yet to have arrived.


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