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Hansol was sitting on one knee in front of the shelves at the convenience store holding a basket as he checked all the expiration dates of the food with his wire earbuds on, nodding his head with each beat, losing himself in the music, not noticing that it was time for his shift to end.

It was late at night and his shift ended exactly at 11 pm. An hour before midnight.

Someone tapped on his shoulder and he flinched, not realizing there was someone else with him at the store.

"Hey bro, what are you still doing here? Your shift ended 30 minutes ago"

Looking at the time on his phone, it was 11:32.

"Oh. I didn't notice, I guess" Hansol mumbled, slowly getting up, brushing the dust off his pants, and going to pack his stuff. He then remembered the basket of almost expired food and took a few for himself. They were all going to the trash anyway.

Nodding his head slightly at the other part-timer, Hansol left the store, buds still in his ear as he made his way to his college campus.

Hansol had time to move his stuff in before his shift at the restaurant started, and was also able to go unpack between his other shift at the convenience store started.

After his high school graduation, Hansol decided to spend his free time with part-time jobs. Most of his day he was at work, saving up money for college. He had tried different jobs from working at cafes to restaurants to being a receptionist.

Carefully unlocking the door to his dorm room, he noticed the lights off except for the lamp on his roommate's bedside table, meaning he wasn't alone at the moment.

Putting the plastic bag from the store and his stuff on his desk, Hansol changed into his pajamas to get ready for the night before taking out the food to hush his starving stomach.

The bathroom door lock was heard and a figure exited.

As the two noticed each other's presence, Hansol stilled, recognizing the boy immediately.

"Oh you!" he heard the boy say.

"Shit," Hansol thought.

"You're the waiter from the restaurant earlier" he stated, a charming smile on his face, reminding Hansol of the sun, so warm and bright. Just from one of two interactions, Hansol could tell the boy was very bubbly and outgoing.

"Um, yeah. I'm Chwe Hansol" he awkwardly held his hand out, not knowing what to do. The hazel-eyed boy wasn't the best at basic human interactions.

"I'm Hong Seungkwan, nice to see you again," Seungkwan said, taking Hansol's and giving it a firm shake, shooting another smile his way. Hansol blushed and quickly shifted his gaze away unable to keep up with the other's extroverted demeanor.

"Cute" he heard Seungkwan mutter under his breath. As Hansol glanced back, Seungkwan's soft chuckle sent a warm shiver down his spine. It was like hearing the loveliest melody for the first time. Hansol, a music major, couldn't help but blush, feeling utterly smitten by Seungkwan's laughter. It was as though it whispered secrets of love that only he could hear, making his heart flutter with joy.

Hansol's eyes were fixed on the other person, lost in thought. Suddenly, he heard a loud clearing of the throat and realized that he had been staring. Feeling a bit embarrassed, he decided to break the silence and weinitiate a conversation. With a shy tone, he asked, "Um, would you like to have some food?"

"Yeah sure" Seungkwan got his desk chair and put it next to Hansol's desk, to sit closer to him.

The two sat sharing the food Hansol had gotten in silence. Uncomfortable silence to Seungkwan but the opposite to Hansol. While Seungkwan found ease in the hustle, Hansol found peace in the serenity.

Seungkwan broke the silence again, asking, "What's your major?" Hansol replied softly, "I'm a music composition major." Seungkwan nodded in understanding.

"And a man of very few words, apparently." Seungkwan blurted, taking Hansol back, before he choked out an unexpected laugh, shocking even himself in the process. "I don't usually have much to say, yeah," he admitted with a small smile.

Seungkwan grinned, saying, "I can't relate. I'm always talking. I'm never quiet. I think this is the least I've ever spoken." Hansol laughed again. There was something about Seungkwan's humor that just clicked with him.

Encouraged by Hansol's laughter, Seungkwan continued cracking jokes, each one causing Hansol to burst into laughter, despite his usual shyness.

"You know," Seungkwan said with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "I heard the food tastes better if you laugh while you eat it."

Hansol chuckled, shaking his head. "Is that so? I'll have to remember that for next time."

With every witty remark, they fell deeper into conversation, sharing stories and snippets of their lives.

"I once tried to cook dinner for my friends," Seungkwan confessed, grinning sheepishly. "Let's just say it ended with a fire alarm and a pizza delivery."

Hansol laughed, feeling himself relax in Seungkwan's company. "Sounds like a fun adventure."

In the midst of their laughter and shared stories, they discovered common interests and mutual understanding, forging a bond that felt surprisingly natural and effortless.

Hansol found himself opening up more than he had anticipated, comforted by Seungkwan's easygoing demeanor and genuine interest.

Their first conversation was a whirlwind of laughter and connection, setting the stage for a friendship that promised to blossom with each passing moment.

"You seem nice, Chwe Hansol" Seungkwan said, as they tuck themselves into their beds.

"You too, Hong Seungkwan" he replied, before turning off the lights.


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